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[ENS] Executive Council to meet in Chicago

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Fri, 10 Nov 2006 16:33:06 -0500

Episcopal News Service November 10, 2006

Executive Council to meet in Chicago

November 11-14 sessions are first in new triennium; commission, committee meetings to follow

By Mary Frances Schjonberg

[ENS] The Episcopal Church's 2007-2009 triennium of mission and ministry will have its unofficial start beginning November 12 with overlapping meetings of the Executive Council and many of the church's commissions and committees.

Executive Council will meet from November 12-15, and 22 commissions, committees and one board will meet jointly from November 15-18, all at the Chicago Marriott O'Hare hotel.

The Executive Council carries out programs and policies adopted by the General Convention and oversees the ministry and mission of the Church. The council is composed of 38 members, including bishops, priests or deacons, and lay people, 20 of whom are elected by General Convention and 18 by provincial synods.

"As this is the first meeting of the triennium, a good part of our work will entail getting to know each other and developing a set of systems and relationships to guide our work for the next three years," said Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. "I hope we can continue to focus externally -- both on the blessed challenge which the Millennium Development Goals present, and on the challenge of evangelizing the many around us who need to hear and experience good news, whatever their age, language, or station in life."

The meeting begins November 12 when Executive Council and Church Center staff join the Eucharist at Church of Our Savior in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood.

Council members will spend the rest of the 12th and part of the morning of November 13 being oriented to their responsibilities. That work will be led by Gregory Straub, executive officer and secretary to General Convention; Suzanne Baillie, Church Center in-house counsel; David Beers, chancellor to the Presiding Bishop; and Sally Johnson, chancellor to the President of the House of Deputies.

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