Episcopal News Service November 11, 2006
Arkansas elects Larry R. Benfield as its 13th bishop
By Mary Frances Schjonberg
[ENS] The Rev. Larry R. Benfield was elected November 11 as the 13th bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Arkansas (http://www.arkansas.anglican.org).
Benfield, 51, rector of Christ Church in Little Rock, was elected out of a field of five nominees on the seventh ballot. Benfield was elected with 57 lay votes and 57 clergy votes. An election on that ballot required 44 votes out of a total of 87 cast in the lay order and 55 of 108 in the clergy order. The election took place at Trinity Cathedral in Little Rock.
Benfield will succeed Bishop Larry E. Maze, 63, who will retire at the end of the year.
Benfield is scheduled to be consecrated on January 6, 2007, at the Episcopal Collegiate School in Little Rock.
The complete ballot results are available at http://www.arkansas.anglican.org.
Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79619_ENG_HTM.htm
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