Episcopal News Service November 11, 2006
House of Deputies President urges Canadian Anglicans to 'develop and expand our relationship'
By ENS staff
[ENS] Bonnie Anderson, president of the Episcopal Church's House of Deputies, told the Council of the Anglican Church of Canada's (http://www.anglican.ca) General Synod on November 10 that she sees a growing relationship of mutuality and respect between the two Anglican provinces.
"I think we have before us, as the Anglican Church of Canada and the Episcopal Church, an opportunity to create a model of mutuality and conversation in the Anglican Communion," she said.
"How might we, as sisters and brothers in Christ, together model mutuality? Could we work together to develop and expand our relationship in an intentional manner that would build trust and communication in our region among and between all orders of ministry before our bishops go off to Lambeth in July of 2008? Could we work together in faithfulness to God's mission to eradicate world poverty through the Millennium Development Goals?"
Anderson attended the Council at the invitation of Anglican Church of Canada Primate Andrew Hutchison (http://www.anglican.ca/primate/index.htm) and secretary general Michael Pollesel. The Council met in Mississauga, Ontario, just outside Toronto, November 10 and 11.
During a part of the meeting agenda titled "Partnership with the Episcopal Church, USA," Anderson gave a brief summary of the history of the General Convention and the role of deputies. She also spoke about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_77743_ENG_HTM.htm).
In an open forum following her talk, Anderson answered questions from Council members regarding the Episcopal Church's anti-racism efforts, environmental concerns, governance, and mission.
Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79643_ENG_HTM.htm
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