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'Winter 2006-2007 ELCA World Hunger Resource Packet' available

Date Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:03:04 -0600

ELCA News Blog

November 21, 2006

'Winter 2006-2007 ELCA World Hunger Resource Packet' available

by Melissa Ramirez Cooper, ELCA News Service

The World Hunger Resource Packet of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) for winter 2006-2007 is now available. The packet contains resources to help individuals, congregations and synods of the church learn more about and participate in ending world hunger.

"Each of the two annual ELCA World Hunger Resource Packets is designed to help leaders weave world hunger and disaster response stories, activities and information throughout congregational life and throughout the church year. The resources help leaders encourage members to expand their understanding of neighbor and exhort them to follow Christ's command to 'Go and do likewise' by living faithfully and giving generously to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal," said Sue Edison-Swift, associate director for marketing and interpretation, hunger and disaster communication, ELCA Development Services. "We hope leaders will route (the) packet to other key leaders involved in worship, Sunday school, adult education, social or global ministry, and the like. We are so grateful to the network of volunteer hunger leaders in our congregations and synods. Their energy, creativity, organization and persistence are why our church can set a goal to raise $17.5 million for the ELCA World Hunger Appeal this year, while keeping administration costs extremely low -- under 10 percent," she said.

New features of the packet include a hunger guide for congregations, reproducible hunger and domestic disaster response stories for church newsletters and worship bulletins, a "Good Gifts" catalog, Christmas postcards, a two-page flyer exhibiting hand-crafted fair trade items to support Stand With Africa and more. Financial gifts to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal designated for Stand With Africa help communities and churches in Africa banish hunger, overcome HIV/AIDS and build peace. The packet also contains a bulletin with fold-out map to help members of the church understand how their contributions to Stand With Africa support life-saving ministries in sub-Sahara Africa. The bulletin is available for free from the winter 2006 Top 40 Resources Catalog, which is also included in the packet. For information contact: John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or ELCA News Blog:

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