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November 22, 2006
Living in the 'Spirit of Abundance'
A message from the GAC executive director
by Linda Valentine General Assembly Council executive director
LOUISVILLE * In the past two weeks I have participated in a consultation with McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago; attended the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation board meeting and a gathering of the Synod of Puerto Rico in San Juan; and joined in the Office of the General Assembly fall polity conference in Tucson, AZ.
These unique but interconnected experiences have all reinforced my belief that the world needs what the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has to offer.
As Presbyterians, we believe in open and communal discernment as we seek to understand the will of God. This often leads to debate and difference. In a world that seems polarized and fractured, it's easy to lapse into an "I am right, you are wrong" and "we're good, they are evil" posture. Regrettably, in a world that seems to love nothing more than a good scandal or fight, we are known better for our squabbles than our good work. We ourselves get caught up in this and put our energy and effort into the matters that divide us.
The Presbyterian Church has long reflected the larger culture, including the issues that are wrestled with in the public sphere. In the 1800s we wrestled with, and often divided over, issues of racial equality. In the early 1900s with the equality of women, and the role of science. And today with issues that are debated in the political realm as well as in the church.
As faithful Presbyterians we are seeking better ways to listen, understand, discern, and recognize so many of these matters. We are exploring methods like mutual invitation, in which we learn and demonstrate genuine respect because we recognize that wisdom may be found in voices that are too timid to speak up unless invited.
We can and do model respect and diversity of thought, as well as race, ethnic and social economic, and political views. We have polity that encourages communion, discernment, and confidence in the ministry of the whole people of God * and that while setting standards recognizes the integrity of individual conscience.
If we can turn our energy, intelligence, imagination and love to what Christ calls us to do * feed the hungry, serve the poor and poor in spirit, bind up the broken hearted, and welcome the stranger * we can be more faithful to the will of God.
We also live in a world of abundance. God has provided us with all we need, but we lose sight of that when we see budget cuts of $9 million and staff reductions of 75 positions. We focus on limitations, declining funds and declining membership.
It's not just us in the General Assembly Council, but also in presbyteries and synods, as they struggle for dollars and for time. Yet as I have traveled and speak, I am struck with the abundance of resources God has provided.
We have churches that are growing in cities, suburbs, and towns. We have ethnic congregations that are thriving. We have congregations that are innovative with Christian education and with local mission and support of mission abroad. We have seminaries where important studies and research are done, where talented young people are training for the ministry and theological vocations with a deep sense of call. We have thousands of volunteers helping on the Gulf coast, and young adult volunteers working in churches around the country and in villages as far away as Africa. And we have members with tremendous resources and great generosity.
It's up to us to lift these up, to connect places of need with places that want to help, to bring those struggling to start new churches alongside those who have experience and visions to help.
We need to live in a spirit of abundance for the glory of God and the hope of the church.
I believe we can.
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