ELCA News Blog
November 22, 2006
Lutheran Disaster Response gives thanks for an inspired response
by Frank Imhoff, ELCA News Service
Lutheran Disaster Response is celebrating Thanksgiving with ads in newspapers across the United States. "We give thanks for your inspired response to the devastating hurricanes of 2005. We give thanks for your continued support of those still in need, in the months and years to come," says the ad that appears this week in newspapers in Allentown, Pa.; Austin, Texas; Chicago; Des Moines, Iowa; Minneapolis; Phoenix; Reading, Pa.; and St. Louis. The ad also appears Nov. 22 and Nov. 24 in USA Today. A cornucopia spills photos of volunteers at work in hurricane cleanup in the U.S. Gulf Coast. "Thank you for your generosity, for your faithful service, for your welcoming arms, for your long-term commitment, for volunteering next year," it says.
Lutherans have donated nearly 700,000 hours of volunteer service and more than $26 million to the effort. From across the United States, 20 relief agencies affiliated with Lutheran Disaster Response have responded with help -- establishing volunteer housing sites, organizing work teams, coordinating donations and providing case management for displaced households -- and almost 1,100 college students from 54 colleges and universities served during spring break.
"In response to the devastating hurricane season of 2005, there has been an inspired outpouring of support from Lutherans around the country. Lutheran Disaster Response gives thanks for the work and support of volunteers, donors, employees and affiliated agencies around the country," said Michael D. Nevergall, associate for program interpretation, Lutheran Disaster Response. "Lutheran Disaster Response hopes that Lutheran congregations and individual members will continue to support the efforts in the months and years to come. This sort of long-term commitment has become the trademark of Lutheran Disaster Response and many of the faith-based organizations involved in disaster response," he said. Lutheran Disaster Response is a collaborative ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Lutheran Church- Missouri Synod.
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