NewsLink, Serving the Episcopal Church
Daybook -- Today is Tuesday, November 28, 2006. The Church calendar remembers Kamehameha and Emma, king and queen of Hawaii, (1834-1864), (1836-1885).
* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: *Today in History: On this day 1757, English Christian mystic, poet, sculptor, and engraver William Blake is born in London.
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Teaching: Episcopal educators gather in Hollywood for biennial conference
Peter Cheney and three educators honored
By Daphne Mack
[ENS] The 2006 biennial conference of the National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES) drew more than 900 Episcopal educators to Hollywood, California, from November 16-18 for the opportunity to "connect, celebrate, reflect and learn."
"Varieties of Gifts, but the Same Spirit" was the theme of the three-day gathering held at the Renaissance Hollywood Hotel.
"There is a spirit in the biennial that people are often drawn to," said the Rev. Peter G. Cheney, executive director of NAES. "There is a sense of community within the Episcopal school world that is really very exciting. People make connections, meet new friends and are energized by the worship."
Approximately 50 workshops, led by professionals in the field and members of the Episcopal schools community, focused on several areas, including Leadership and Governance, Episcopal Identity, the Ministry of Teaching, and School Administration.
Featured speakers included Jeffrey S. Prater, Ph.D., founder and director of Psychology Resource Consultants in South Pasadena, California; Leonard R. Baker, M.D., co-founder and director of Descanso Medical Center for Development and Learning in La Cañada, California; Barbara Hoskins, Ph.D., an educational consultant who specializes in working with children experiencing challenges in the learning process; the Rev. James B. Lemler, director for mission for the Episcopal Church; and Wendy Mogel, Ph.D., nationally known clinical psychologist, parent educator and school consultant.
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Catalyst: "New Proclamation, Year C - 2006-2007 - Advent Through Holy Week" from Augsburg Fortress Press, by William R. Herzog et al., 287 pages, paperback, c. 2006, $25
[Source: Augsburg Fortress Press] -- Keyed to The Revised Common Lectionary; Book of Common Prayer; and Roman Catholic Lectionary for Mass, the Proclamation legacy continues to offer the best in creative, searching, and responsible interpretation of the biblical lectionary texts. Anchored in expert exegesis, the preacher is able to craft effective, gospel-centered sermons that proclaim a gospel true to tradition and our times.
To order: Episcopal Books and Resources online at or call 800-903-5544.
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