ACNS 4220 | ACO | 29 NOVEMBER 2006
World AIDS Day 1st December 2006
The theme for World AIDS Day 2006 is accountability. Local and national campaigns are encouraged to develop campaigns and activities that are meaningful in their own contexts under the overall theme of accountability and ideally using the slogan, "Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise".
The theme is decided by the World AIDS Campaign through consultation with national and international organisations and networks. Calls for accountability have consistently risen in civil society campaigning in 2006 through the United Nations review of the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS, the Political Declaration accepted by the UN General Assembly on 2 June (see ), and commitments first made by the G8 leaders in 2005 to universal access to treatment by 2010.
Accountability is all the more critical as governments should now be in the process of setting national targets as called for in the June Political Declaration and due at the end of 2006. These targets will define the global response to HIV and AIDS over the next several years. However, around the world there is little clarity about how this process is moving forwards. Civil society organisations, who would be enthusiastic and committed partners in setting targets and implementing efforts where appropriate, have so far not been included in national target setting processes.
The World AIDS Campaign and its partners call on all governmental leaders to be accountable for the promises they have made, to set the targets necessary to reach universal access to care, treatment and support, and to make all the necessary resources available in order to overcome the AIDS pandemic.
Article from: World AIDS Campaign
Anglican Cycle of Prayer for 1st December
PRAY for greater awareness of HIV and AIDS, For greater dignity and rights of people living with HIV and AIDS, For more compassion and care, For the rejection of discrimination and stigmatisation, For wider prevention activities that address root causes of vulnerability, For efficient mobilisation of resources and treatments, For increased access to treatments and care, For support for those left behind to grieve the loss of their loved ones, For trust and hope in our God. Lord hear our prayer.
Taken from:The Mothers' Union, Living Positively, "Prayers and Reflections" Prayer for World AIDS Day
Merciful God,
we remember before you all who are sick this day, and especially all persons with AIDS or HIV infection.
Give them courage to live with their disease.
Help them to face and overcome their fears.
Be with them when they are alone or rejected.
Comfort them when they are discouraged.
And touch them with your healing Spirit that they may find and possess eternal life, now and forever.
from NEAC Current statistics on HIV and AIDS
According to UNAIDS, an estimated 39.5 million adults and children are living with HIV. Approximately 4.3 million became newly infected with HIV in 2006 and 2.9 million died due to AIDS-related illnesses. Sub-Saharan Africa remains the epicentre of the AIDS pandemic, but no country is unaffected, and incidence rates are rising in a number of developed countries.
Although expanded access to treatment is estimated to have averted 250,000 to 350,000 deaths between 2003 and 2005, globally, antiretroviral drugs still reach only one in five who need them.
2006 is the 25th anniversary of the identification of "AIDS" - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - although evidence exists to suggest earlier cases. More than 25 million people have died of AIDS-related causes since 1981.
Related Links:
World AIDS Campaign ECUSA. Anglican AIDS programme in Southern Africa.
The items below are available as downloads from the following web site
Flesh of our flesh - worship resource for World AIDS Day from Christian AID [PDF 254K] World AIDS Campaign fact sheet [PDF 140k]
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