Episcopal News Service March 02, 2007
Anglican girls seek empowerment through radio
By Jeanne Person
[ENS] Five Anglican women and girl delegates to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW), currently meeting in New York City, took time from their busy schedules on the morning of March 2 to be interviewed on an internet radio program reaching two million listeners. Their hope was both to spread the word about what the delegates are achieving and to experience, for themselves, the power of the media.
"I've never been on the radio before," said 15-year-old Deepti Steffi, representing the Church of North India. "I am here to tell the stories of girls from my country who, because they do not have educations, do not speak out for themselves."
The Anglican women and girl delegates are the largest non-governmental representation at this year's meeting of the UNCSW, whose stated mission is to create policies for member nations that will "eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child."
The gathering has brought thousands of women and girl delegates from around the world to the United Nations' headquarters, where they are addressing girls' issues such as inadequate education, early marriage, and the effects of poverty on girls. Delegates are attending plenary sessions, sponsoring programs about girls' issues, and speaking out about their own experiences of discrimination and violence.
For the first time in the history of UNCSW, the United Nations is welcoming girl delegates younger than 18. The Anglican Communion is sponsoring 10 girl delegates from Australia, Burundi, Hong Kong, Kenya, North India, and the United States.
Full story and photo:
-- The Rev. K. Jeanne Person is associate rector at Church of the Holy Trinity in New York City.
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