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[ENS] Executive Council begins three-day meeting, contemplates response to Primates' communiqué

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Fri, 2 Mar 2007 21:20:31 -0500

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From: [] Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 7:52 PM To: Subject: [ENS] Executive Council begins three-day meeting, contemplates response to Primates' communiqué

Episcopal News Service March 2, 2007

Executive Council begins three-day meeting, contemplates response to Primates' communiqué

Oregon diocese welcomes members to Portland

By Mary Frances Schjonberg

[ENS] The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church on March 2 spent part of its morning session in private conversation about the communiqué ( recently issued by the Anglican Primates' Meeting.

The hour and a half gave council members a chance to talk with each, ask questions of Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and discuss possible responses. Normally, the council votes on resolutions on the last day of its meeting.

The Executive Council is meeting March 2-4 at the Lloyd Conference Center in Portland, Oregon.

The Executive Council carries out programs and policies adopted by the General Convention, and oversees the ministry and mission of the Episcopal Church. The council is comprised of 38 members, including bishops, priests or deacons, and lay people, 20 of whom are elected by General Convention and 18 by provincial synods.

Also on March 2, council member the Rev. Dr. Ian Douglas was unanimously elected as a member of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) ( Douglas also serves, among other capacities, on the Design Group for the 2008 Lambeth Conference ( of bishops in the Anglican Communion.

He joins New York Bishop Suffragan Catherine Roskam and Executive Council member Josephine Hicks of the Diocese of North Carolina as one of the Episcopal Church's three ACC members, succeeding the Rev. Robert Sessum of the Diocese of Lexington.

Full story:

The Rev. Mary Frances Schjonberg is national correspondent for the Episcopal News Service.

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