NewsLink, Serving the Episcopal Church
Daybook -- Today is Friday, March 9, 2007, in Lent. The Church calendar remembers Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa (335-394).
* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On this day in 1995, the Committee for a New Dialogue on Sexuality met at New York's General Seminary. r=95047
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Diocesan Digest
NEVADA: Nominations/applications now open for bishop
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Audio: Archbishops of Canterbury, Cape Town address TEAM conference
[ENS] Cape Town Archbishop and Primate of Southern Africa Njongonkulu Ndungane told the Towards Effective Anglican Mission (TEAM) conference March 8 that God had called the participants to Boksburg, South Africa. "We hear and we respond because we serve a God who hears the cries of the oppressed," Ndungane said in his opening address to the TEAM conference. "God, my friends, hears and he acts and he acts through the mission of the Church and God acts through people like you and me."
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams told delegates at TEAM that a world where no one is forgotten, no one is invisible, "is a world in which God's promise has been fulfilled."
Audio streams of both archbishops' addresses and continuing ENS coverage from the TEAM conference are available at
Meeting through March 14 at the Birchwood Conference Centre near Johannesburg, TEAM is welcoming more than 400 people from 30 of the Anglican Communion's 38 provinces to review the church's response to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and how it can do more as one of the world's largest grassroots development networks.
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Catalyst: "Echoes of St. Hildegard" from Church Publishing, Inc., by the Lady Chapel Singers with Lisa Thomas, Artistic Director, CD, c. 2003, $18
[Source: Church Publishing, Inc.] A recording of the sacred voices of women collected through the Women's Sacred Music Project, Inc. in Philadelphia, PA. It features selections from the Convent of Las Huelgas Manuscript and from Hildegard of Bingen. Contemporary female composers and arrangers are represented as well. The recording is topped off by a performance of Esther, Premiere Cantate by Elizabeth-Claude Jacquet de la Guerre.
1. Verbum Bonum, Convent of Las Huelgas Ms. 2. Phos Hilaron, Sr. Elise, CHS 3. Joshua Fit de Battle of Jericho, arr. Marylou India Jackson 4. O Holy Spirit, Root of Life, Sharon Hershey 5. Media Sida, from Liturgy of South Ghana 6. Ave Maria, Deborah Lutz 7. Kyrie, Hildegard of Bingen 8. Laus Trinitati, Hildegard of Bingen 9. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child, African American Spiritual 10. O Nata Lux, Deborah Lutz 11. Casitatis thalamum, Convent of Las Huelgas Ms. 12. The Angel Gabriel, trad. Basque carol 13. Mary, When the Angel's Voice, Piae Cantiones 14. Esther, Premiere Cantate, Elizabeth-Cloude Jacquet de la Guerre 15. Nunc Dimittis, Sr. Elise, CHS
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