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[ENS] Anglicans, Roman Catholics reflect on relationship, continue dialogue on Mary statement

From "Matthew Davies" <>
Date Wed, 14 Mar 2007 16:57:56 -0400

Episcopal News Service March 14, 2007

Anglicans, Roman Catholics reflect on relationship, continue dialogue on Mary statement

(ENS) The 62nd meeting of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Theological Consultation (ARC-USA) took place at Saint Paul's College in Washington, DC, March 8 to 10. Chaired jointly by Bishop Edwin F. Gulick, Jr., of Kentucky, and the Most Reverend Edward W. Clark, auxiliary bishop of Los Angeles, the meeting focused on recent developments in Anglican-Catholic relations, trends within the Anglican Communion and two statements that are nearing completion.

Further consideration was given to a response by ARC-USA to the 2004 ''Seattle Document'' of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, entitled ''Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ.'' Reflection papers were presented by the Rev. Francis Sullivan, SJ, of Boston College and the Rev. Dr. Ruth Meyers of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary. The group decided to move forward on drafting an agreed statement that would be ready for approval at the next meeting.

The Rev. Dr. Robert Prichard of Virginia Theological Seminary presented an initial draft text of a proposed Spanish-language pastoral tool that could be used to clarify the distinctions between the churches and to illustrate what progress has been made in their ecumenical relationship in recent decades. The text will be revised and completed for consideration at the next meeting.

The group also reflected on the relationship between ARC-USA and the international Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue. It also heard a presentation from Gulick on the contents of a document soon to be issued by the International Anglican Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM), ''Growing Together in Unity and Mission.''

Bishop Christopher Epting, ecumenical officer for the Episcopal Church and a guest at the meeting of Anglican primates that took place in February in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, reported on that gathering. A main focus of the primates' meeting was a discussion on the Episcopal Church's response to the Windsor Report. In the short term, the primates asked the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church not to give consent to any candidate for bishop who is living in a same-gender relationship nor authorize same-gender blessings within their dioceses. In the longer term, the group approved the offer of the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church to install a ''primatial vicar'' to represent her in certain Episcopal dioceses that are uncomfortable with recent developments. It also called for the creation of a pastoral council of bishops, and the development of an Anglican Covenant intended to affirm the cooperative principles that hold together the Anglican Communion.

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