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[PCUSANEWS] College news

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Date Tue, 20 Mar 2007 09:52:02 -0400

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07165 March 20, 2007

College news

by Evan Silverstein

HANOVER, IN - Sue DeWine, provost at Marietta (OH) College, was unanimously elected as the next president of Hanover College by the school's board of trustees earlier this month. DeWine will become the 15th president in the 180-year history of the liberal arts college. She will succeed Russell Nichols, who is retiring on June 30 after 20 years as Hanover's president.


HASTINGS, NE - Hastings College has announced that construction of its new $10 million Morrison-Reeves Science Center will begin this summer with a projected completion date of spring 2009. The 52,600-square-foot building will house classrooms, laboratories and office space for biology, chemistry, physics and psychology. The new science center will replace the Steinhart Hall of Science, which was built in 1956. The building is being named for Ken Morrison, a school trustee from 1981-1999, and Thomas Reeves, president of Hastings College from 1985-1995.


DECATUR, GA - A groundbreaking ceremony for the new Julia Thompson Smith Chapel - the first freestanding chapel ever at Agnes Scott College - was held last month on campus. The chapel, which is expected to take a year to complete, is being named for the late Julia Thompson Smith, a 1931 graduate of Agnes Scott and wife of the late Hal Smith, a long-time chair of the college's board of trustees. The chapel will feature seating for approximately 100 people and a multi-faith meditation room.


TULSA, OK - Two University of Tulsa law students recently helped secure asylum for a man from East Africa who was persecuted for his religious beliefs, according to a press release posted on the school's Web site. The students, Rebekah Guthrie and Luis Flores, are interns with the Boesche Legal Clinic Immigrant Rights Project, a program in which TU law students represent non-citizens in immigration matters. The two represented the man from Eritrea, a country in northern East Africa, who escaped to the United States after being persecuted and imprisoned because of his membership in a religious minority and for refusing to abandon his beliefs amid threats from his government, according to the university. Guthrie and Flores represented the man, whose name was not listed in the school's press release, at his asylum interview in December before the U.S. Department of Homeland Security granted him asylum on Feb. 21.


MONMOUTH, IL - Monmouth College political science professor Tobias Gibson recently presented a paper at a conference celebrating the 30th anniversary of Jimmy Carter's inauguration as president. "The Carter Presidency: Lessons for the 21st Century" was held Jan. 19-21 in Athens, GA, with roundtable panels at the event featuring many well-known public figures, including Walter Mondale, Howard Baker, and Madeleine Albright, as well as NBC's Brian Williams and Chris Matthews. Gibson's paper was a subunit of his dissertation that's titled "The Office of Legal Counsel in the Carter Administration: Executive Orders During the Iran Hostage Crisis."


ST. PETERSBURG, FL - Eckerd College student Ashley Rhodes-Courter is one of 20 undergraduate students to be named to USA TODAY's 2007 All-USA College Academic First Team. The team was selected from nearly 600 students nominated by their schools. Recipients received trophies and $2,500 awards. Rhodes-Courter, 21, is a third-year student with senior status and a 3.84 GPA. She has a double major in communications and theater with a double minor in political science and psychology. Born in North Carolina, Rhodes-Courter is a former foster child who was placed in 14 different homes in 10 years before being adopted by a Florida couple. Rhodes-Courter has written a memoir, Three Little Words, to be released in 2008 by Simon & Schuster. She is a frequent public speaker on foster care as well as a motivational speaker.


SAN ANTONIO, TX - Former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder spoke about climate change, globalization, and international political decision making as guest speaker at last month's Spring 2007 Trinity University Distinguished Lecture Series. Schröder was chancellor of Germany for seven years starting in 1998. The Trinity University Distinguished Lecture Series is made possible by an endowment from Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Brown of San Antonio.


GROVE CITY, PA - Grove City College alumni Ed and Lynn Breen, both 1978 graduates, recently donated $5.5 million to their alma mater. The gift closes Grove City's Change and Commitment Campaign at $68 million, $8 million above the original goal. On campus, the student union building will be named in the Breens' honor. Ed Breen is chairman and chief executive officer of Tyco International Ltd., a leader in electronics; fire and security; healthcare, and engineered products and services.


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