Episcopal News Service March 21, 2007
Slavery abolition milestone, military chaplaincy featured in current Episcopal Life This Week
New bulletin-insert editions now available; Episcopal Life Online to debut March 22
[ENS] Weekend observances of the 200th anniversary of Britain's abolition of the slave trade -- and a focus on the ministry of military chaplains as the Iraq war enters its fourth year -- are featured in the March 25 parish-bulletin edition of Episcopal Life This Week, now available for downloading and reprinting in Sunday church leaflets.
Offered in four-color formats that also may be photocopied in black-and-white, the inserts are online at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_79411_ENG_HTM.htm.
The April 1 Palm Sunday edition of Episcopal Life This Week will focus on the Good Friday Offering and the ministries of Anglicans in Jerusalem and the Middle East.
Church members are also invited to watch for the March 22 launch of the new website, Episcopal Life Online. Links to the new site will be forwarded to ENS subscribers by e-mail on March 22.
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