NewsLink, Serving the Episcopal Church
Daybook -- Today is Thursday, March 22, 2007, in Lent. The Church calendar remembers James De Koven, priest, (1831-1879).
* Today in Scripture: Daily Office meditation: * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: * Today in History: On this day in 337, the first Christian emperor of Rome, Constantine, died at age 47.
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A round up of People news since March 15:
Episcopal student meets Archbishop Tutu while studying at sea
James R. Woody named project director of Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys
James A. Diamond named first recipient of Bishop Thompson award
Benjamin Wood becomes new editor of West Missouri Spirit
Alec Wyton, chief architect of the hymnal 1982, dies at 86
More People news:
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Catalyst: "Do You Believe? Living the Baptismal Covenant" from Morehouse Publishing, by Nancy Ann McLaughlin, 160 pages, paperback, c. 2006, $14.95
[Source: Morehouse Publishing] The baptismal covenant, empowering all the baptized to minister in the name of Christ, is at the heart of our lives as Christians. But how well do parishes articulate the importance of this call for all their members? What kind of job do parishes do of integrating the covenant into the life and work of the congregation?
In Do You Believe?, author Nancy Ann McLaughlin takes a look at some forty Episcopal parishes around the country to see just what an active, intentional, energized awareness of baptismal ministry looks like. Examining each of the elements of the covenant-from believing in God to continuing the preaching of the apostles -- the book offers practical advice for turning words into concrete actions.
This is an excellent book for parish study and reflection, offering ways that individuals and congregations can envision the church-and their own lives - as a dynamic relationship with God.
To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at or call 800-903-5544.
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