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Heads of the Oriental Orthodox Churches met in Syria

From mecc <>
Date Fri, 02 Jan 1970 17:56:40 -0800

The annual tenth meeting of the Heads of the Oriental Orthodox Churches in the Middle East took place at St Ephrem Monastery in Ma¹arat Saydnaya, Damascus, Syria (April 19 ­ 21, 2007). His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, His Holiness Patriarch Mar Ignatius Zakka I, and His Holiness Catholicos Aram I met to pray and to reflect together on issues and challenges of common concern for the Oriental Orthodox Churches. Members of the Standing Committee joined the meeting. The Heads of Churches ³reaffirmed their unity of faith based on their common doctrinal position and theological teachings². They also reaffirmed their responsibility ³to strive for the unity of all churches², and their commitment to the ³ecumenical movement both through the World Council of Churches and the Middle East Council of Churches². The Heads of Churches extended their ³gratitude to H.H. Catholicos Aram I for his ecumenical commitment and his leadership for so many years in the WCC². They also discussed the reports on the current theological dialogues, and the relations with the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran and Reformed Churches. They stated that furthe r dialogue and discussion with other churches are required, acknowledging tha t the reception by the churches of agreements resulting from theological dialogues needs time and patience. They welcomed the invitation from the Lutheran World Federation to strengthen relations with the Oriental Orthodo x Churches.

With respect to the current situation in the Middle East, the Heads of Churches called for continuous work for a just peace in the ME and implementation of the UN Security Council resolutions regarding Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. They also called for the continuation of dialogue with Muslim counterparts by deepening mutual respect and understanding between them, and condemning all forms and expressions of violence. Finally they called on the United Nations and all humanitarian organizations to support the suffering people of Iraq, wherever they are.

The Common Declaration produced at the end of the meeting and signed by the three Heads of Oriental Churches ended with an appeal to the faithful to remain firmly attached to the Gospel, its values and imperatives; and a confirmation of their commitment to the Fellowship of the Oriental Orthodox Churches. The full text of the Declaration is posted on the MECC website at : <

Middle East Council of Churches Office of International Ecumenical Relations P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon

Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary or


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