Newsline: Church of the Brethren News Service -- May 11, 2007 Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, News Director 800-323-8039 ext. 260 --
(May 11, 2007) Elgin, IL -- Children's Disaster Services (formerly Disaster Child Care) is sending a team of volunteers to respond to needs of young children affected by the tornado in Greensburg, Kan. The program is a ministry of the Church of the Brethren, serving children and their families following disasters.
Seven volunteers from Children's Disaster Services arrived on May 10 in Greensburg. Roy Winter, director of Brethren Disaster Ministries (formerly Emergency Response), also will make a visit to the area to assess needs and offer support.
"Please keep the survivors and their families lifted up in prayer," said Jane Yount, of the Brethren Disaster Ministries staff.
Children's Disaster Services also is responding to needs in New Jersey following flooding in mid-April. The American Red Cross requested Children's Disaster Services for a shelter at Raritan Valley Community College in North Branch. From April 23-28, four volunteers cared for some 80 children in that location. On April 29, a second wave of 14 caregivers left for another two weeks of service, with some continuing to work at the community college and others providing care at a shelter at Bound Brook Presbyterian Church.
The Church of the Brethren disaster response staff are encouraging those who wish to help with the response in Greensburg, or in New Jersey, to contribute to the church's Emergency Disaster Fund, and not to send unsolicited material donations. "There simply is no place to store unsolicited donated goods," said Yount. "The most effective way to respond is to give a financial contribution to programs that are providing necessary goods and services. This ensures that the survivors will receive what they actually need."
Donations to support Children's Disaster Services and Brethren Disaster Ministries can be made payable to the Emergency Disaster Fund and mailed to 1451 Dundee Avenue, Elgin, IL 60120. For more information about the Church of the Brethren disaster response ministries, go to
The Church of the Brethren is a Christian denomination committed to continuing the work of Jesus peacefully and simply, and to living out its faith in community. The denomination is based in the Anabaptist and Pietist faith traditions and is one of the three Historic Peace Churches. It celebrates its 300th anniversary in 2008. It counts about 130,000 members across the United States and Puerto Rico, and has missions and sister churches in Nigeria, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and India.
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For more information contact:
Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford Director of News Services Church of the Brethren General Board 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120 800-323-8039 ext. 260
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