Episcopal Life Online Newslink, Part 2 July 3, 2007
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* TOP STORY - Los Angeles diocese prevails again in parish property dispute * TOP STORY - July 8 bulletin insert examines campus ministries
Los Angeles diocese prevails again in parish property dispute
[Diocese of Los Angeles] A Los Angeles Superior Court Judge ruled July 3 that the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles are entitled to the property of St. Luke's of the Mountains Parish in La Crescenta, California. The decision comes on the heels of the landmark opinion last week from the California Court of Appeal which unanimously upheld claims by the Diocese of Los Angeles and the national office of the Episcopal Church to the property of three separate parishes whose leaders and members left the Episcopal Church in 2004.
The Diocese of Los Angeles encompasses the Counties of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Orange, and a portion of Riverside County, under the ecclesiastical authority of Bishop Jon Bruno.
In February 2006, St. Luke's severed its relationship with the Episcopal Church and the diocese, placing itself under the jurisdiction of a conservative Anglican bishop in Uganda. The departing members claimed they were entitled to take parish property away from the Episcopal Church and the diocese. The diocese, citing church canons which place all parish property in trust for The Episcopal Church and the diocese, asserted it was entitled to retain the property. Litigation followed.
Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/79901_87786_ENG_HTM.htm
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Episcopal Life This Week: Bulletin Insert for July 8, 2007
Episcopal Life Bulletin Inserts examine campus ministries gearing up for outreach in the new school year. Also featured is the "Renovate: Episcopal Campus Ministry Conference" held at St. Mark's Cathedral in Seattle, Washington June 23-25 that drew more than 80 Episcopal college and university chaplains and those committed to campus ministry together for conversation and to experience transformation.
Bulletin inserts are available at
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