7.15.2007 LCMS News
July 15, 2007 .................... LCMSNews -- No. 44
Convention delegates elect praesidium
HOUSTON -- Delegates to the 63rd Convention of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod elected its second through fifth vice presidents in balloting July 15.
On the first ballot, Dr. Paul L. Maier was re-elected as second vice president with 675 votes. On the second ballot, delegates elected Dr. John C. Wohlrabe Jr., 53, of Virginia Beach, Va., as third vice president (with 685 votes); Dr. Dean W. Nadasdy, 59, of Woodbury, Minn., fourth vice president (666 votes); and Dr. David D. Buegler, 60, of Avon, Ohio, fifth vice president (593 votes).
Maier, 77, of Kalamazoo, Mich., is professor of ancient history at Western Michigan University. He previously served as second vice president (2004 to present) and as fourth vice president (2001-04). Maier has served on the LCMS Commission on Church Literature and on the Board for Higher Education/Concordia University System.
Wohlrabe, the newly-elected third vice president, is a graduate of Concordia College, Ann Arbor, Mich., and received S.T.M. and Th.D. degrees from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. He has served as a chaplain in the U.S. Navy since 1987 and was assistant director of Concordia Historical Institute from 1986-87.
Nadasdy currently serves as the Synod's third vice president (2004). Since 2000, he has been pastor of Woodbury Lutheran Church. He was on the faculty of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, from 1997 to 2000. He served on the Task Force for the Reorganization of Synod (1993-95) and on the Board for Communication Services (2001-03). He also served the Minnesota South District in various capacities.
Buegler was elected to his second term as LCMS fifth vice president. Since 2003, he has been executive director of the Cleveland Lutheran High School Association. He has served on the Board of Regents of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind. (1989-96 and 2004-present) and on the Board of Directors of Lutheran Church Extension Fund (1998-2004). He was the LCMS Ohio District president from 1988 to 1996.
The Synod convention is meeting July 14-19 under the theme "One Message: Christ! His Love is Here for You!"
If you have questions or comments about this LCMSNews release, contact Joe Isenhower Jr. at joe.isenhower@lcms.org <mailto:joe.isenhower@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1231, or Paula Schlueter Ross at paula.ross@lcms.org <mailto:paula.ross@lcms.org> or (314) 996-1230.
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