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07425 July 16, 2007
Thank Offering funds mission around the world
Presbyterian Women's 2007 effort results in 77 grants
by Sharon Dunne Gillies Presbyterian Women
LOUISVILLE - Seventy-seven projects have been awarded grants from Presbyterian Women's 2007 Thank Offering []. The grants total $983,194 and were given to domestic and overseas projects whose work is consistent with the mission concerns and policies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
The Thank Offering is one of two annual offerings of Presbyterian Women. It is collected each fall and disbursed in the spring. At least 40 percent of the offering goes to health-related projects and the rest of the offering funds new, creative approaches to mission that meet criteria established by the Churchwide Coordinating Team of Presbyterian Women.
The 77 recipients provide a variety of aid - agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women's concerns.
In India, the Community Development Society will improve the living standards of women in rural areas by teaching them to produce and market bamboo baskets.
In Uganda, Kasana Tadeo will provide safe drinking water to people in the Kasana slum community.
In Washington, Grace Clinic will be able to add two dental treatment rooms to their facility, providing free, faith-based dental care.
Promotional materials (that include details about each project) are available through Presbyterian Distribution Service [] at (800)524-2612.
For a full list of the 2007 recipients or to get the criteria and application for a Thank Offering grant, visit the PW Web site [] or see the July/August 2007 issue of Horizons, the magazine of Presbyterian Women.
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