³Pluralistic Societies and Sustainable Development² was the theme of the conference organized by MECC Unit on Life & Service Human Resource Development program jointly with the Unit on Faith & Unity from 19 21 July 2007 at the Commodore Hotel in Beirut, Lebanon. 45 participants mainly from Lebanon, and church representatives both lay and clergy from Jordan and Egypt also convened to discuss the contested issue of multiculturalism as a force for social justice and humanism at the same time a divisive element i n societies hindering the development and establishment of democracy and rule of law. The conference aimed at deepening dialogue between communities, cultures an d religious groups, and call for reconciliation and peace building.
Politicians, historians, philosophers were invited to define, describe and elaborate the meaning, the impact and the process of development in view of cultural diversity, in social, religious and political contexts. Broken in 13 sub topics and sessions, participants brought their inputs through discussions and debates, specifically within the context of Lebanon and the Middle East socio-political events currently taking place. To create public awareness, recommendations and more efforts were expected of MECC to widen the circle and to create social momentum. The Opening sessions were addressed by: MECC General Secretary Mr. Guirgis Saleh, Director of the Unit on Faith & Unity, Fr. Gaby Hachem, and the Director of the Unit on Life & Service, Ms. Seta Hadeshian. For further information contact MECC/Life & Service Unit: meccls@cyberia.net.lb
Middle East Council of Churches Office of International Ecumenical Relations P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon
Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary
mecc@cyberia.net.lb or guirgissaleh@cyberia.net.lb
+961-1-353-938 http://www.mec-churches.org/