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Inter-Regional Meeting on Migration & Development - Brussels

From mecc <>
Date Wed, 01 Aug 2007 13:22:25 -0700

In view of current events of migration across the Mediterranean region affecting particularly Africa, Europe and the Middle East, the Churches Commission for Migrants¹ in Europe (CCME) and World Council of Churches (WCC) Social Justice and Migration program in consultation with All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) and the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC ) Unit on Life and Service, held the Amman process - Inter Regional Meeting o n Migration and Development from 6 ­9 July 2007 in Brussels. The meeting debated and discussed about the newly emerging European policie s on migration, migrant workers and development prospects. It was a preparatory meeting to the Global Forum on Migration organized by King Baudouin Foundation. Participants came from Africa, East and West Europe, United Kingdom, South America, the Middle East and the Gulf region. Only 2 of 5 representatives of the Middle East region namely Ms. Seta Hadeshian, Director of Unit on Life & Service and Mr. Georges Hazou, DSPR Chairperson were capable of securing visas to Brussels and participate in the Amman Process, while Mr. Razek Siriani, Ecumenical Relations Director, and Rev. Dr. Andrea Zaki, Director of CEOSS in Egypt, were not issued visas on time. As to Dr. Bernard Sabella, MP in Jerusalem and DSPR Director, he apologized. 33 participants from Europe, Africa and ME convened to discuss the input of temporary and circular migration, remittances and Diaspora resources, skilled migration on development of both home and host countries , and holistic approach to policy coherence to enhance development. Ms. Seta Hadeshian was one of the 12 CO¹s presenting the CSO report to the Governmen t plenary session on the 10th of July. The Amman process meeting was concluded with recommendations to include Morocco and Libya in the process as both countries receive thousands of deportees who end up in detention centers. Ms. Seta Hadeshian presented two papers on Migration & Development and Mr. Georges Hazou a paper on the Iraqi refugees, while Rev. Rolf Pearson reported on the situation of Migrant workers in the Gulf region and the rol e of churches in that region. For further information contact MECC/Life & Service Unit:

Middle East Council of Churches Office of International Ecumenical Relations P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon

Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary or


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