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07609 September 25, 2007
Consultation on PC(USA) ecumenical stance set to convene this week
First major event of its kind since 1983 reunion
by Sharon Youngs OGA communications coordinator
LOUISVILLE - The stage is set this week for the first major consultation on the ecumenical stance of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) since Presbyterian reunion 1983.
Approximately 65 participants are expected for the Sept. 27-29 event here, which will be hosted by the General Assembly Committee on Ecumenical Relations (GACER).
GACER chair Ed Chan, a Presbyterian elder and member of First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica, CA, said, "It is the first chance in well over a decade to gather people from all over the church and discuss what it means to seek the unity of Christ's church. I hope we will come up with something bold to reinvigorate the Presbyterian church's historic commitment to ecumenism, so that partnering with fellow churches is not an afterthought but an integral part of how we do all of our ministry."
Among those in attendance will be current and former elected leaders of the General Assembly Council (GAC) and the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly, pastors, national PC(USA) staff, a former Moderator of the General Assembly, General Assembly Stated Clerk Clifton Kirkpatrick, GAC Executive Director Linda Valentine, seminary professors and presidents, international guests, and representatives from ecumenical agencies and other faith communions.
Kathleen Owens serves as chairperson of the consultation. Owens, a Presbyterian elder and candidate under care of the Presbytery of the Cascades, said, "This will be an opportunity for people to come together from many locations and roles in the church to study what we are doing ecumenically, what works well, where we could improve, and where there may be further areas we need to explore. So often we think of ecumenism as what happens in councils of churches on the national and international level, but there is a lot going on in the local and regional levels that needs more attention."
"We have pulled together a tremendous cross-section of the PC(USA) and our ecumenical partners for this event," said the Rev. Robina Winbush, director of the department of ecumenical and agency relations for the Office of the General Assembly, who staffs the GACER. "One of, if not the, greatest strengths of this consultation will be in who is at the table for the conversation."
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