UCC President John Thomas calls for override of Bush's SCHIP veto
Written by J. Bennett Guess October 15, 2007
The health care of children should be a bipartisan concern, says the UCC's general minister and president, in calling for an override of a presidential veto that blocked a proposed expansion of a children's health insurance program.
"Many of us in the UCC were deeply disappointed by President Bush's veto, but remain hopeful that Congress will right this wrong," said the Rev. John H. Thomas. "Surely the health of our children should be beyond partisanship."
Under the proposal, the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP, pronounced "s-chip"), which was created in 1997, would be expanded to cover families of four who earn up to $72,000. Right now, the government insurance program only covers a family of four with a total household income of $40,000.
Democrats are hoping that 15 to 20 House Republicans will join them in overriding Bush's veto of the five-year, $35 billion increase. Currently, SCHIP provides health insurance for 6.6 million children. If expanded, an additional 4 million children would be covered.
"Now it is up to members of Congress to do the right thing and override the President's veto," Thomas said. "The health of our children depends on it."
A vote in the House is expected on Thursday.
According to Sandy Sorensen, director of the UCC's Washington, D.C., office, the denomination's Justice and Peace Action Network is actively encouraging its members to support the veto override.
"The key strategy, at this point, is to get the 15 votes we need in the House to override the veto," Sorensen said.