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07710 November 1, 2007
2008 Mission Yearbook is available now
'Where two or more are gathered' is theme of 116th book
by Jerry L. Van Marter Presbyterian News Service
LOUISVILLE - The photo depicts a colorful band of believers in a rural village in China with the words superimposed: "Where two or more are gathered."
The photo taken by Bob Ellis, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s associate for international health ministries, is emblematic of the rich history of the 2.3-million-member denomination's rich history of mission around the world.
And it's the cover photo for the 2008 Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study (, now in its 116th year of continuous publication. Published by Witherspoon Press, an imprint of the General Assembly Council's (GAC) Mission Education and Promotion office, it's available now (Item # 1571530835) by ordering online or calling (800) 524-2612. Cost is $9.25 each or $8.00 each for 10-24 copies, plus shipping.
"It's the church's book," editor Billie Healy told the Presbyterian News Service in an Oct. 31 interview. "In its pages is the church's mission, day-by-day, as it happens. It's really the incredible story of the faithfulness and tenacity of God's people."
The book includes an introduction to Presbyterian mission by the Rev. Tom Taylor, the GAC's deputy executive director for mission, mission stories from around the world, daily lectionary Bible readings and worship aids for Sundays, lists of Presbyterians in mission at all levels of the church, maps and factual information about the places where Presbyterians are engaged in mission, and prayers for Presbyterian mission and the people who participate in it everywhere in the world.
"What I particularly like about this year's book is that every page concludes with a prayer and all the prayers are written by the people who tell the stories that are in the book," Healy said.
This year's theme, "Where two or more are gathered," celebrates God's faithfulness - which is not limited by strength or numbers. "Too often we think large, we think big numbers," Healy explained. "But we know God is working everywhere and even when God is working with just one person, that one person can make a tremendous difference."
Also new this year, Healy added, is a "how to use this book" guide on the inside front cover.
And for the first time, the book includes an index of the presbytery and synod mission stories told in it. "Somehow international stories are perceived as 'sexier,'" Healy said. "But we all know that its locally where most of us live and breathe ministry. The new index helps readers find those stories more easily."
Healy said work has already begun on the 2009 Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study. "Presbyterian mission never stops and neither does work on the mission yearbook," she said, smiling.
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