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07711 November 1, 2007
New resource devoted to Africa's vulnerable children
Resource designed to help PC(USA) congregations learn, respond
by Pat Cole Associate, Mission Communications
LOUISVILLE - The 34 million orphans in sub-Saharan Africa are not just a statistic to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission worker Frank Dimmock.
As a regional health consultant in southern Africa, he helps churches and other organizations as they care for a large number of them. The problem is staggering, Dimmock admits, but he sees hope as communities come together to take care of orphans. Most have lost their parents to AIDS, other diseases or violent conflict.
"Community-based care keeps children as close to their families as possible and keeps them in an environment that's familiar," he says. The children live with grandparents or other relatives and receive meals, educational services, counseling, health screenings, spiritual nurture and other services at a community center. Churches often take a leadership role in organizing community-based care.
Dimmock is the author of a 36-page booklet for U.S. Presbyterians who are concerned about vulnerable children in Africa. He wrote the booklet, titled Africa's Children: A Church Response to Children's Issues in Sub-Saharan Africa, in response to conversations with Presbyterians during Dimmock's visits to U.S. congregations.
He is currently itinerating in this country as part of Mission Challenge '07 (, a month-long effort to reconnect PC(USA) missionaries with congregations and presbyteries for spiritual, communication and financial support.
"Presbyterians are concerned about the situation and are interested in ways to respond and to help our church partners," Dimmock says. He notes, however, that many lack information about how best to address the situation.
In the booklet Dimmock discusses orphanages and other options for caring for children who have lost their parents. He argues that community-based programs are the most effective and efficient way to care for orphans. Such programs, he says, are also consistent with the African focus on community.
Dimmock also offers information to help congregations make wise choices when considering financial support for child care programs.
In addition to financial support, Dimmock hopes U.S. Presbyterians will support African children through advocacy and prayer. "I hope one thing people will take home is that we need to speak up," he says. "Children don't have a voice and many of our partners don't have a voice."
While advocacy in the halls of government is important, Dimmock emphasizes that Africa's churches are playing a key role in addressing the continent's problems. "AIDS will not be solved in Washington, DC, or a distant city but in (African) communities," he says. "It's the churches' mandate and opportunity to demonstrate Christ's love. It's also a great opportunity for Presbyterians in the United States to be supportive."
Prayer, he says, is "the easiest and one of the most important things we can do."
In addition to practical ways to help African children, the booklet includes a study guide that will help facilitate discussion and learning by small groups.
Africa's Children is available at no cost through Presbyterian Distribution Service by calling (800) 524-2612. Ask for item number 25384-07-003.
Three PC(USA) program units - Peace and Justice, Relief and Development, and World Mission - produced the resource.
( To download an online version load).
During Mission Challenge '07, Frank Dimmock is visiting Los Ranchos Presbytery.
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