Episcopal Life Online Newslink November 1, 2007
Episcopal Life Online is available at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/elife.
Today's ELO Newslink includes:
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - COLORADO: Bishop deposes former rector Don Armstrong * DIOCESAN DIGEST - UPPER SOUTH CAROLINA: Convention affirms mission, emphasizes MDGs, considers the road ahead * WORLD REPORT - BURUNDI: New online video highlights province's mission work * WORLD REPORT - KENYA: Archbishop cleanses historic Anglican church * FEATURE - Pennsylvania and Sudanese dioceses collaborate with New Hope
COLORADO: Bishop deposes former rector Don Armstrong http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81803_91511_ENG_HTM.htm
UPPER SOUTH CAROLINA: Convention affirms mission, emphasizes MDGs, considers the road ahead http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81803_91512_ENG_HTM.htm
More Diocesan news: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81803_ENG_HTM.htm
BURUNDI: New online video highlights province's mission work http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81808_91503_ENG_HTM.htm
KENYA: Archbishop cleanses historic Anglican church http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81808_91520_ENG_HTM.htm
More World news: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81808_ENG_HTM.htm
Pennsylvania and Sudanese dioceses collaborate with New Hope
By Bill Lewellis
[Episcopal Life] Five years ago, Diocese of Bethlehem Bishop Paul Marshall asked Charlie Barebo to help spearhead a capital campaign to develop a camp and conference center for the diocese.
"A funny thing happened on the way," said Barebo. "I woke up one morning in the Sudan."
It was a "life-changing event that has deepened my faith and forever altered my outlook on this world and the next," said Barebo, a global traveler as chief executive officer of Otterbine Barebo, which makes aerating fountains and industrial aerators.
Parishes throughout the 14-county northeastern Pennsylvania diocese launched the New Hope campaign during the last two Sundays of September. By then, more than half of a $3.6 million goal already had been raised through advance gifts -- but not for a camp and conference center, said Barebo who chairs New Hope.
Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81834_91515_ENG_HTM.htm
More Features: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/78936_ENG_HTM.htm