GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA 8-10 East 79th St. New York, NY 10075-0106 Tel: (212) 570-3530 Fax: (212) 774-0215 Web: Email:
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese E-Bulletin November 2, 2007
This is the weekly edition of the GOA E-Bulletin. For more information just click on the links below to go to the topics of interest to you.
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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR PARISH LIFE STUDY: The Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute (PAOI) is looking for volunteers to participate in the recently launched "Parish Life" project. The PAOI - a pan-Orthodox educational center in Berkeley, California - is known for its recent study "Evolving Visions of the Orthodox Priesthood in America" which explored personal and professional lives of American Orthodox clergy. For more information go to:
ONLINE SURVEY ON CONTEMPORARY ISSUES: The Department of Communications has been running a series of surveys on issues and topics of the day that affect Orthodox Christians and society at large. The site features a brief survey that affords participants the opportunity to interact with the Archdiocese and offer their responses to various issues. The surveys and survey results are published in the Orthodox Observer. To complete the newest on-line survey on â??Young Adults and Church Attendance,â?? go to
2008 PARISH STEWARDSHIP RESOURCES AVAILABLE: The 2008 Stewardship Program packet will be mailed out to every Greek Orthodox parish in America in October 2007. The packet includes two posters with this yearâ??s Stewardship theme, a Stewardship Ministry Guidelines booklet (a step-by-step guide to all aspects of an annual Stewardship program), and a CD-ROM of Stewardship resources. All files on the CD-ROM are available below, as well. For questions related to the 2008 Stewardship Program, please email or call the Office of Parish Development at (847) 825-1432. For information online visit .asp
ORTHODOX OBSERVER ? SEPT/OCT ISSUE AVAILABLE:< The latest edition of the Orthodox Observer is available online. Read current news and information on the work of our Archdiocese, Metropolises, Parishes, and Ministries. You can also find an archive of past issues at
NATIONAL ORTHODOX RADIO PROGRAM: This week on Come Receive the Light, Metropolitan Nikitas talking about his work with the Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute, as well as his experience as Metropolitan of Hong Kong and southeast Asia. The ARK and The RUDDER present fascinating Orthodox programming, with Fr. Thomas Hopko beginning a new series, â??The Book of Revelation: The Dragon, the Beast, and Babylon, Part 1â?? on Special Moments in Orthodoxy, and Fr. Stephen Freeman appearing on Theologically Thinking to talk about being â??Clothed with Christ.â?? The ARKâ??s Featured Artist Block highlights the music of David Teems.
Tune in each day to The ARK and The RUDDER for â??The Best of Come Receive the Light,â?? presenting favorite interviews from past episodes of CRTL. During November 5-9 we will play â??Evangelism: Learning from Othersâ?? (11/05), â??Church Musicâ?? (11/06), â??Corporate Perspective on Orthodoxyâ?? (11/07), â??The Papacyâ?? (11/08), and â??How Do You Help a Friend with a Chemical Dependencyâ?? (11/09).
2007-2008 PLANNER NOW AVAILABLE FROM YOUTH DEPT: Use The Planner to keep track of all your schedules. Keep a daily focus on Christ with Scriptural readings, fast days, prayers, saints of the day, and inspiration from the Fathers. The Planner follows the Ecclesiastical (church) year beginning in September and ending in August. Spiral bound and digital versions available. For more information visit
TOPICS FOR 2008 ORATORICAL FESTIVAL NOW AVAILABLE: The Department of Religious Education is pleased to release the topics that were approved by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios for the 2008 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival. By releasing the topics at the beginning of the Church school year, teachers can promote the Festival to their students and work with them to prepare a speech. The Oratorical Festival, now entering its 25th year, provides young people an opportunity to research, to prepare, and to deliver a speech on topics related to their Greek Orthodox faith and heritage. For more information and a list of the topics visit ival_topics.asp
SPANISH LANGUAGE RESOURCES: The Department of Outreach & Evangelism has compiled a list of Spanish Language Orthodox Christian resources, including the classic volume The Orthodox Church / La Iglesia Ortodoxa by Metropolitan Kallistos (Timothy) Ware, bi-lingual Divine Liturgy books, tri-lingual Paschal Homily of Saint John Chrysostom, the Psalms, several Akathists, and the Life of Saint Mary of Egypt. Contact the Department of Outreach & Evangelism for additional information ( or 646/519-6160).
RESOURCES FROM THE ORTHODOX MARKETPLACE: The Orthodox Marketplace now offers books and materials from the Family Ministries, Youth and Young Adult Ministries, and Greek Education departments. You can preorder "The Planner 2007-2008" by visiting . The tabletop prayer guide for families is also available online at . The entire Greek Education catalog can be visited on-line at . The Orthodox Marketplace is the official on-line store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Please visit and encourage others to support the Orthodox Marketplace site as well.
SUPPORT THE ARCHDIOCESE WHILE SEARCHING THE WEB: The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese has partnered with, a new search engine that donates half its revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. You use it just as you would any search engine, and it's powered by Yahoo!, so you get great results. To use and support the ministries of the Archdiocese, simply go to:
ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN RESOURCE CATALOG: The Department of Religious Education 2006-2008 Resource Catalog includes more than 700 resources for adults, teachers, youth workers, parish youth, vacation church school programs, children's books, prayer books, multimedia resources, icons, gifts and more. talog