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[PCUSANEWS] Speakers, listeners praise 'Mission Challenge '07'

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Date Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:05:40 -0500

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November 15, 2007

Speakers, listeners praise 'Mission Challenge '07' 48 missionaries speak to 55,000 Presbyterians during October blitz

by Jerry Van Marter Presbyterian News Service

LOUISVILLE - Between 50,000 and 55,000 Presbyterians attended presentations by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) missionaries during "Mission Challenge '07," according to figures released Wednesday (Nov. 14) by the Presbyterian World Mission program area here.

The mission challenge brought 48 PC(USA) overseas missionaries back to the U.S. during the month of October for itineration in 144 of the denomination's 173 presbyteries. Each missionary spent a week at a time in each of up to four presbyteries, seeking to garner renewed spiritual, communication and financial support from congregations and presbyteries for the PC(USA)'s global mission enterprise.

"Think of it as an election return," said Bruce Whearty, a former missionary to Vanuatu who helped organize "Mission Challenge '07. "With 95 percent of the precincts reporting, it is reasonable to assume that 'MC'07' reached nearly 900 congregations and 100 other hosts (such as presbytery meetings) for a total of nearly 1000 venues. The 48 speakers made a total of 1,400 presentations and reached 55,000 listeners."

Mean attendance was 47 people per presentation. Median attendance was 24. The largest gathering numbered 460, while the smallest was one person.

Each missionary made an average of nine presentations per week during the month.

And the response by both speakers and listeners was almost universally positive, Whearty reported. Based on evaluations submitted by attendees, 68 percent reported "no weaknesses or omissions in the presentations."

Typically, the presentations included introductory videos to the work of the PC(USA)'s General Assembly Council and Presbyterian World Mission, personal stories by missionaries about their lives and work, and question-and-answer sessions. Some of the comments submitted by participants, who were guaranteed confidentiality:

"This was a way to encourage the small churches to continue to look for ways they can work missions into their budgets and into their corporate lives."

"No one knew that the Presbyterian Church has been in missions for 170 years - what a wonderful heritage!"

"Their slides and interaction with the adult class could not have been more accomplished. They provided a positive, engaging image of Presbyterian mission and missionaries."

"I think the denomination-wide response will be a surge of mission support for the folk we've had the opportunity to meet face-to-face during 'Mission Challenge '07.'"

"Thank you for the vision and work to put together Mission Challenge '07. In my 31 years of parish ministry I have never seen this much excitement and engagement with our PC(USA) missionaries. I would strongly recommend a Mission Challenge '08, '09, etc."

"Given the opportunity to contribute to a specific project and/or missionary that folk have met will attract more mission dollars than we can ever expect. Thank you for the vision and effort invested in 'Mission Challenge '07.'"

"The presentation was theologically positive, carried a strong Biblical theme. (He) also shared openly the challenges for his family living in the mission field as well as the joys for him and his family."

One participant from a church in New York disagreed. "It was a 'paid political plea' for dollars for PC(USA) mission. This was too obvious," the critic wrote. "Both pastors who were present were disappointed that this was a 'slick' Madison Avenue type 'ad campaign' for PC(USA) mission funds. The gospel, the work of the people on the mission front and the 'down home' goodness of those served was 'glossed over' by the 'professional' media type plea."

Most of the speakers echoed the overwhelmingly positive response of listeners.

"It was a privilege to be a part of ("Mission Challenge '07")," wrote one missionary. "It has increased my passion for World Mission and my appreciation for the local congregation. This was a phenomenal opportunity and I hope that is done again."

"I am humbled that God used me in such a powerful way," wrote another. "Wow!!!"


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