CWS Names David Weaver as Senior Advisor
NEW YORK, Nov. 15, 2007 - Church World Service announces that David Weaver has been named as Senior Advisor to the Executive Director and CEO, Rev. John L. McCullough. Most recently Weaver was appointed as Interim Deputy Director for Programs. Prior to that role, Weaver served the agency for eight years as director of the CWS Mission Relationships and Witness Program. The MRW Program is responsible for fostering and sustaining the broad network of relationships with churches, ecumenical agencies and a variety of partners around the world.
Before joining CWS, Weaver served for 15 years in the National Council of Churches/Church World Service Middle East Office, the last six as director. He began his ecumenical career at NCC/CWS working in U.S.-Soviet church relations in the early 1980s. In making the appointment, Rev. McCullough indicated the importance of drawing upon Mr. Weaverâs extensive ecumenical experience, global networking, and diplomatic savvy in an increasingly complex global theatre.
The Rev. Dr. Cheryl Dudley continues in her role as Senior Advisor while also assuming the position of Interim Director of Mission Relationships and Witness.
David Weaver has published articles on a variety of topics in the St. Vladimirâs Seminary Quarterly, the MECC News Report, Middle East Insight, The Christian Century and other journals.
Founded in 1946, CWS is the relief, development and refugee assistance agency of 35 Protestant, Anglican and Orthodox communions in the United States..
Media Contacts
Lesley Crosson, (212) 870-2676, Jan Dragin - 24/7 - (781) 925-1526,