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[PCUSANEWS] Stated clerk nominations accepted until Dec. 23

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Date Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:19:57 -0500

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07757 November 21, 2007

Stated clerk nominations accepted until Dec. 23 Committee has begun receiving applications

by Jerry Van Marter Presbyterian News Service

LOUISVILLE - The Stated Clerk Nomination Committee (SCNC) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has received several applications for the top ecclesiastical post in the 2.3 million-member denomination.

Next summer's 218th General Assembly will elect the successor to the Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick, who announced earlier this year that he will not seek a fourth four-year term.

Prospective candidates have until Dec. 23, 2007 - 180 days before the convening of the Assembly in San Jose, CA, to submit their applications.

"We are grateful for the candidates who have already applied," said SCNC chairperson Steve Grace, "and encourage others to consider submitting their application as well.

"This is a self applications process but we recognize God's call many times comes through invitation of others in the church," Grace added. "Although in the interest of fairness to all the candidates it is not our role to invite specific individuals to apply, we urge those who know of persons with the requisite skills and gifts to invite and encourage them to apply by the deadline set by the Standing Rules.

Further information, including job description and application form, are available on the Stated Clerk Nominations Committee's Web site [ ].

Information is also available in written form from the SCNC staff resource person Rev. Carol McDonald, Synod of Lincoln Trails, 1100 W. 42nd Street, Suite 125, Indianapolis, IN 46208. She can be contacted by phone at 800-566-5996, or by email [ ].


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