A just peace in the Middle East region and sustaining the rights of nations and people are the call of the Middle East Council of Churches¹ Assembly in Paphos Cyprus. The Assembly addressed the Leaders' meeting at the Annapolis Middle East Conference with a message expressing the concern of the Middle East Heads and Church Leaders in bringing peace and justice. Peace, the message quotes, ³will be the guarantee for dialogue between religions, cultures and civilizations, and will promote democracy, overcome violence and terrorism².
On the second day of the Assembly, reports of the MECC units, departments and programs were presented, namely: the Unit on Faith & Unity, the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East; Units on Educatio n & Renewal and Life & Service; the Communication Department; Christian-Musli m Dialogue, Justice, Peace and Human Rights Programs; International Ecumenica l Relations; the Inter-church Network for Development & Relief; Ecumenical Relief Services, and the Financial report.
A message from the International Islamic Forum for Dialogue was received an d delivered. The message alerted the Assembly of the dangers on both international and regional security and stability. The message raised concern for world conflicts, especially in this region, and rejected armed solutions. It called for dialogue between religions, cultures and civilizations as well as for respect of traditions and diversity.
On tomorrow's agenda, November 29, the restructuring of the MECC, working groups and future vision.
Middle East Council of Churches Office of International Ecumenical Relations P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon
Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary
mecc@cyberia.net.lb or guirgissaleh@cyberia.net.lb
+961-1-353-938 http://www.mec-churches.org/