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[PCUSANEWS] Presbytery and Synod news

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Date Fri, 30 Nov 2007 11:49:04 -0500

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07779 November 30, 2007

Presbytery and Synod news

by Jerry L. Van Marter Presbyterian News Service

BIRMINGHAM, AL - Twenty churches in Sheppards and Lapsley Presbytery have agreed to a journey together of exploration and transformation through the "Acts 16:5 Initiative," a strategy whose aim is to encourage congregational transformation by focusing on individual spiritual growth and missional outreach.

The journey began when 80 leaders from the participating churches gathered in September for a one-day series of workshops conducted by the Vital Churches Institute. A second, two-day workshop will be held early next year.

In the meantime, vision teams of the participating churches will be working to build discipleship and to develop specific ministry proposals for their congregations.

COLUMBUS, OH - The Peacemaking and Justice Committee of Scioto Valley Presbytery has asked the presbytery to adopt a resolution that calls upon Governor Ted Strickland to all halt all executions in the state until questions about Ohio's use of lethal injections can be studies and addressed.

Ohio has used lethal injection exclusively since 2001. Debates about whether it is "cruel and unusual punishment" have been raised in several states as new scientific evidence indicates that lethal injection does not cause painless death. The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case next year on whether lethal injection violates the U.S. Constitution.

The presbytery would join the Ohio Council of Churches, the League of Women Voters and the American Bar Association as calling for a halt to lethal injections until its legality can be determined.

SAN JOSE, CA - Presbyterian Women of San Jose Presbytery will mark Epiphany on Jan. 6 with an Epiphany Tea, "Connections...with Mystery," at the Stone Church of Willow Glen.

Using the music and meditative style of the Taize service, participants will celebrate the Epiphany season in the candle-lit sanctuary in a program of music, scripture and poetry. Taize musicians from Stone Church will provide the music.

TULSA, OK - The newest round of Lay Leadership Academy classes has begun in Eastern Oklahoma Presbytery with an "Overview of the Old Testament" taught by associate general presbyter Marcus Barber.

Ten courses, held about every six weeks at Goodland Academy in Hugo, OK will constitute the program. For the first time this year, the Lay Leadership Academy program includes Christian educators as well as candidates for the office of Commissioned Lay Pastor.

CLEVELAND - The Presbytery of the Western Reserve will welcome renowned Presbyterian singer-songwriter David m bailey to Pioneer Memorial Presbyterian Church in Solon, OH, for a concert on Dec. 2.

Ten years ago, bailey was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and was given six months to live. Ten years and 14 albums of original music later, he is an inspiration to Presbyterians and others everywhere.

CHARLOTTE - "Find Your Path," a learning fair for leaders and future leaders of churches in Charlotte Presbytery, will take place Jan. 12 at Philadelphia Presbyterian Church here.

Keynote speaker is the Rev. James Hickson Lee, a pastor and evangelist in Austin, TX. His address is entitled "When God's New Thing Seems Decent and Out of Order: The Multicultural Ministry and Me." The event will also include at least 22 workshops on all aspects of congregational leadership.

JEFFERSON CITY, MO - Thanks to ever-growing support from Presbyterians in Missouri Union Presbytery, children's and families' lives are being changed in record numbers through Presbyterian Children's Services.

In recent months, mentoring services for young people have expanded in Moberly and Hannibal and have extended out into the neighboring counties of Boone, Callaway, Randolph and Howard, offering therapy to people of all ages, job training, tutoring, drug treatment and counseling, family conflict resolution and treatment for emotional and personality disorders.

Services have also expanded at the Stubbins (residential) Memorial Regional Family and Youth Center for troubled youth.

PANORAMA CITY, CA - After more than 15 years, Jan Sperry is retiring as stated clerk of San Fernando Presbytery on Dec. 31.

She was honored for her many years of faithful service at the Nov. 27 Presbytery meeting.

DES MOINES, IA - The Presbytery of Des Moines has cooperated with The Iowa Interfaith Immigration Coalition is urging people of faith and goodwill to sign its petition for "Creating a Welcoming State" in support of more humane immigration policies.

The petition drive, which concluded Nov. 26 intended to show that there are thousands of Iowans who support public policies rooted in fairness, justice and the dignity of all people . The petition and signatures will be presented at a press conference in early December, as well as to all presidential campaigns visiting Iowa.

The Iowa Interfaith Immigration Coalition is an ad hoc, statewide coalition of faith and community organizations. The focus of the Coalition is changing the climate in Iowa through education and civic engagement.

MINNEAPOLIS - The Leadership Development Work Group of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area is leading an effort to create spiritual formation groups within the presbytery.

"We want to start spiritual formation groups with nothing more than our determination to become Christ-like," says the Rev. Scott Stapleton, pastor of Grace-Trinity Community Church here, and a member of the work group.

Informational meetings about the effort will be held at Grace-Trinity Church on Dec. 2, 4 and 6.

MORGANTON, NC - "Come to the Well" is the theme of a "mini-retreat" sponsored by the Christian Education Committee of Western North Carolina Presbytery. It will be held at Montreat Conference Center January 6-7.

The retreat will be a time for spiritual refreshment, personal renewal and bonding with colleagues - all of them themes consistent with the biblical image of the well. It will be led by the Rev. Jon Brown, coordinator for mission interpretation in the Communications and Funds Development office of the General Assembly Council in Louisville.

CHICAGO - The Chicago Presbytery Resource Center (CPRC) recently negotiated a partnership with Wabash Valley Presbytery to facilitate the sharing of resources between the two presbyteries. The resource-sharing agreement resulted from Wabash Valley's elimination of its resource center due to budget constraints.

People in the northwest corner of Indiana now have the option of browsing on-site at the CPRC, accessing the CPRC web-based catalog of resources or calling CPRC to ask for direct help.

Wabash Valley has also forged an agreement with the Congregational Resource Center at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis to gain access to its resources.


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