Excerpts from American Jewish Committee's Weekly Update: February 6, 2008
New Latin "Prayer for the Jews"
AJC is disappointed with the new text of the Latin liturgy's "Easter Prayer for the Jews" written by Pope Benedict XVI. It explicitly calls for Jews to accept Christianity. Rabbi David Rosen, AJC's director of interreligious affairs, was quoted extensively in the New York Times on this issue. Last year, Pope Benedict authorized wider use of the traditional Latin Mass, which contained, in its original form, an Easter prayer calling for the conversion of Jews. ajc.org/site/c.ijITI2PHKoG/b.2818289/apps/nl/content2.asp?content_id=%7b8E39 4528-08EA-4BE6-AC2B-2CAD911F3E03%7d¬oc=1
AJC Welcomes Appellate Court Decision on Workplace Religious Freedom
AJC welcomed an appellate court decision that a Seventh-day Adventist suffered discrimination when he was fired for refusing to work on the Sabbath. ajc.org/site/apps/nl/content2.asp?c=ijITI2PHKoG&b=849241&ct=5008335
AJC Podcast: Methodists Mulling Divestment
Ari Gordon, AJC's assistant director of interreligious affairs, discusses the United Methodist Church's Israel divestment debate. ajcarchives.org/ajchomepage/podcast/AriGordon020108.mp3
AJC, OU Co-Sponsor Panel on AJC Annual Survey
Nathan Diament of the Orthodox Union; Dr. David Ellenson, president of Hebrew Union College; Sylvia Barack Fishman of Brandeis University; and Steven Bayme of AJC participated in a panel discussion on AJC's Annual Survey of American Jewish Opinion. The conversation focused on the divide, revealed in the survey, between Orthodox and non-Orthodox Jews on a wide range of issues. This divide poses significant implications for the future directions of American Jewry and challenges to the current Jewish leadership. AJC Executive Director David Harris moderated the discussion, with closing reflections by Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, executive vice president of the Orthodox Union.
Egyptian Ambassador Visits AJC
Egyptian Ambassador Nabil Fahmy briefed AJC leaders over breakfast at AJC's New York headquarters. The discussion focused on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process; Hamas' control of Gaza; Egyptian-U.S. relations; Iran; Egyptian-Israeli relations; and efforts to preserve Jewish antiquities in Egypt. Ambassador Fahmy, who regularly meets with AJC, recently visited AJC's Houston chapter.
Miami Consular Corps Luncheon
More than 150 people, including diplomats from 19 countries represented in Miami, attended the Greater Miami and Broward Chapter's 2008 Consular Corps luncheon. David Harris was the keynote speaker. The turnout was another example of outreach by the chapter to diplomats from Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.
Z Word Hits Blogosphere
Z Word, AJC's new online journal dedicated to the debate over anti-Zionism, has been touted among leading political blogs such as Harry's Place, Normblog, and Engage. New on Z Word is a piece on Professor John Mearsheimer's support of Arun Gandhi's controversial statements on Israel and Jews. Visit Z Word at www.z-word.com.
Ari M. Gordon Assistant Director Department of Interreligious Affairs American Jewish Committee 165 E56th St. New York, NY 10022 (212) 891-6768 (212) 751-4000 x266 www.ajc.org www.engagingamerica.org