From the Worldwide Faith News archives

CRC News: Back to God Hour Ministries Reach Millions

From "Henry Hess" <>
Date Thu, 28 Feb 2008 15:57:41 -0500

Feb. 28, 2008 -- The Back to God Hour, the Christian Reformed Church's worldwide electronic ministry, continues to grow its global reach as it shares the gospel, as evidenced by 6.5 million who reached out in various ways to contact the ministry in 2007. That's an increase of 2.5 million contacts over 2006.

Behind those numbers stand millions more who tune in the ministry's radio and television programs or read Back to God Hour devotionals, but didn't directly contact the ministry.

"The CRC is a relatively small denomination, but its worldwide impact is huge," says Bob Heerspink, BTGH director. "God is doing something marvelous through media witness, and we are privileged to be part of it."

In 2007, the BTGH was able to share the Gospel in nine languages. Also in 2007, the BTGH added several new programs and Web sites. In the process, the BTGH was able to distribute more than 4.3 million printed devotionals to people who got connected to the organization through its 45 radio programs, 10 television broadcasts, 18 websites or five telephone ministries.

Statistics aside, here are some personal letters and e-mails people wrote to BTGH:

* From a Muslim university student in Syria: "I prayed to God to give you the ability to enlighten us about the true Christian teachings...I am surprised how much lack of knowledge we Muslims have of what Christians and their holy books truly teach."

* Ms. Sasaki, who lives in Japan, wrote: "I listened to Morning Word as I prepared a lunch box this morning. I stopped my hands and listened carefully to the pastor's message about anxiety with tears in my eyes. The message touched my heart as if the pastor brought it for me."

* A professor from Paraguay gave this testimony: "We use Cada Día in our daily devotions, reflecting on what we read and relating it to our circumstances. We realize that our lives have changed considerably, since [Cada Día] helps us better experience and understand our Christian walk."

* And there is this compelling email from R.J., a young boy who found the English children's program at "Could you guys please send me the Bible studies so I can learn more about the Bible? I am already saved, but I just need to learn more about the Bible."

To learn more about BTGH, visit:


Henry Hess

Director of Communication

Christian Reformed Church

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