³Migrants Rights and Development Prospects² was the theme of the advocacy workshop which was organized by MECC Unit on Life & Service, Service to Refugees, Displaced and Migrants Program, and took place on February 7 - 8, 2008, at hotel Le Meridien - Commodore, Beirut - Lebanon. More than 50 participants from churches, church-related NGOs, national and international organizations participated in it. Present were the Lebanese Director General of Minister of Labor, and a delegation from the Ministry o f Labor, representatives of Interior Security forces, representative of General Security, Director of Human Rights Institute Beirut Bar Association , Philippine¹s Labor Attaché, and representative of the Embassy of Sri Lanka.
In view of providing information on the situation of migrant workers residing in Lebanon, several interventions were made by the representative of Caritas Migrant on their legal condition and the constitutional context in Lebanon; the activities and progress of the National Steering committee on the Migrants Rights; the Human Rights perspective of the Ministry of Labor; the situation of Philippine Migrant workers in Lebanon; and the role of the media. Participants identified concrete action plan and recommendations to the Ministry of Labor to take into consideration in the future development plan s of the National Steering Committee. For further information contact: meccls@cyberia.net.lb
Middle East Council of Churches Office of International Ecumenical Relations P.O. Box 5376, Beirut, Lebanon
Guirgis Ibrahim Saleh, General Secretary
mecc@cyberia.net.lb or guirgissaleh@cyberia.net.lb
+961-1-353-938 http://www.mec-churches.org/