Title: Christopher Kimball Named President of California Lutheran University ELCA NEWS SERVICE
March 10, 2008
Christopher Kimball Named President of California Lutheran University 08-028-MRC/KG*
CHICAGO (ELCA) -- Dr. Christopher W. Kimball will become the seventh president of California Lutheran University (CLU), Thousand Oaks, Calif., on April 1. CLU's Board of Regents made the announcement to the campus community March 6. Kimball has been CLU's provost and vice president for academic affairs since 2006. CLU is one of 28 colleges and universities of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).
Kimball will succeed the Rev. Howard E. Wennes, who has served as interim president since July 2007.
From 1991 to 2006, Kimball served in a variety of administrative and teaching positions including provost and dean of faculty at Augsburg College, Minneapolis. Augsburg is a college of the ELCA. Kimball was a history professor at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, from 1989 to 1991.
Kimball earned a bachelor's degree in history
at McGill University, Montreal, and a master's degree and doctorate, both in history, from the University of Chicago. He is a published author and speaker on academic affairs. His scholarly work is in the field of American history, specializing in social history and the history of sport.
Kimball was a chief architect of a new CLU
strategic plan approved by CLU's board in February. The four-year plan focuses on attracting and retaining a high-quality faculty, staff and student body, and investing in programs and facilities like the $8.5 million Swenson Center for Academic Excellence.
"Chris is a man of integrity and a man of action," said William J. Kane, Philadelphia, chair of CLU's board. "With his distinguished career as a leader and scholar and his passion for Lutheran higher education, he embodies the academic excellence of CLU and is uniquely qualified for the tasks ahead."
"Chris' leadership will be crucial to CLU's
continued success as we approach our second-half century," said Karen Bornemann Spies, Denver, member of the board and the chair of CLU's presidential search committee.
Kimball and his wife, Liz and their two children are members of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Thousand Oaks. - - - *Karin Grennan is media relations coordinator at California Lutheran University.
Information about California Lutheran University is at http://www.callutheran.edu on the Web.
For information contact:
John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or news@elca.org http://www.elca.org/news