Episcopal Life Daily March 17, 2008
Episcopal Life Online is available at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/elife.
Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - CENTRAL GULF COAST: Convention rejoices 'in the Power of the Spirit' * DIOCESAN DIGEST - PITTSBURGH: Duncan replies to charges of abandonment of communion with Episcopal Church * DIOCESAN DIGEST - TEXAS: Super-highway plan threatens Camp Allen; petition signatures requested by March 19 * WORLD REPORT - NEW ZEALAND: Canada's Victoria Matthews named bishop of Christchurch * WORLD REPORT - NEW ZEALAND: Dunedin dean becomes the 15th Bishop of Waiapu * MULTIMEDIA - Video: Presiding Bishop's update from the Holy Land * MULTIMEDIA - Image Gallery: Presiding Bishop's visit to Jerusalem * FEATURE - Healthcare re-formed: Ecuador community clinic offers model for diocese, wider church * DAYBOOK - March 18, 2008: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History * CATALYST - Lord of Creation: A Resource for Creative Celtic Spirituality
CENTRAL GULF COAST: Convention rejoices 'in the Power of the Spirit' http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81803_95784_ENG_HTM.htm
PITTSBURGH: Duncan replies to charges of abandonment of communion with Episcopal Church http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81803_95797_ENG_HTM.htm
TEXAS: Super-highway plan threatens Camp Allen; petition signatures requested by March 19 http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81803_95785_ENG_HTM.htm
More Diocesan news: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81803_ENG_HTM.htm
NEW ZEALAND: Canada's Victoria Matthews named bishop of Christchurch http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81808_95789_ENG_HTM.htm
NEW ZEALAND: Dunedin dean becomes the 15th Bishop of Waiapu http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81808_95790_ENG_HTM.htm
More World news: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81808_ENG_HTM.htm
Presiding Bishop's update from the Holy Land
[Episcopal Life] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori offers an update from her visit to the Holy Land that has included Palm Sunday celebrations in Jerusalem, meetings with religious leaders and Israeli and Palestinian human rights advocates, and a visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The Presiding Bishop also met with Lutheran Pastor Mitri Raheb of the International Center in Bethlehem.
A video stream of the Presiding Bishop's update is available at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81231_ENG_HTM.htm
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Image Gallery: Presiding Bishop's visit to Jerusalem
[Episcopal Life] Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori is visiting the Holy Land March 16-24 at the invitation of the Rt. Rev. Suheil Dawani, Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem.
The Presiding Bishop is accompanied by her husband, Richard Schori; Bishop Christopher Epting, the Episcopal Church's ecumenical and interfaith officer; Maureen Shea, director of government relations; and Matthew Davies, editor of Episcopal Life Online.
An image gallery of the March 16 Palm Sunday celebrations, during which Jefferts Schori made Anglican history becoming the first woman ever to preach at St. George's Cathedral in Jerusalem, is available at http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81991_ENG_HTM.htm
More Multimedia: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/80056_ENG_HTM.htm
Healthcare re-formed
Ecuador community clinic offers model for diocese, wider church
By Bob Williams
[Episcopal Life] It's a global-village clinic: Some equipment comes from Puerto Rico's large Episcopal hospital system, many medicines come through funding from the Diocese of Indianapolis, and the patients and medical coordinator come from Quito's eighth-zone neighborhoods.
Dr. Juan Vaca Yanchapaxi, an Episcopalian and leader on the social-outreach committee of Ecuador's Central diocese, helps manage the just-opened clinic, a cooperative project of his nearby congregation, Cristo Liberador (Christ the Liberator), and Servilab, a private company specializing in preventative medicine.
"It's a model for other congregations to follow," Vaca said in Spanish, joining in conversation with Puerto Rico Bishop David Alvarez, who helped guide a site tour for fellow members of the Episcopal Church's Executive Council, which met in Ecuador February 11-14.
Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/81834_95794_ENG_HTM.htm
More Features: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/78936_ENG_HTM.htm
On March 18, 2008, the Church calendar remembers Tuesday in Holy Week and Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem (315-386).
* Today in Scripture: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/82457_ENG_HTM.htm * Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer: http://www.anglicancommunion.org/acp/index.cfm * Today in History: On March 18, 1612, Bartholomew Legate, an English merchant known for his anti-Trinitarian theology, was burnt at the stake at Smithfield.
Catalyst: "Lord of Creation: A Resource for Creative Celtic Spirituality" from Church Publishing, Inc., by Brendan O'Malley, 308 pages, paperback, c. 2008, $28
[Source: Church Publishing, Inc.] This book presents Celtic spirituality in a way that is exciting and enriching for intergenerational groups of Christians. Fifty themed sections each provide an introduction, story, activity, meditative reflection and prayer, leading into a time of stillness and contemplation. Varied sections focus on key Bible texts, the seasons of nature, the seasons of the Christian year, putting on God's protection while getting dressed, prayers for bedtime, making a prayer corner, praying while walking, visiting a church or a holy place, looking at a Celtic cross, praying with an icon, using art and poetry in prayer, holding a peace vigil, liturgy for young people, a thanksgiving meal and a young people's eucharist. An original and very useful resource.
To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at http://www.episcopalbookstore.org, or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit your local Episcopal bookseller, http://www.episcopalbooksellers.org
More Catalyst: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/83842_ENG_HTM.htm