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ELCA Introduces 'Money Leadership' Curriculum for Congregations

Date Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:34:36 -0500

Title: ELCA Introduces 'Money Leadership' Curriculum for Congregations ELCA NEWS SERVICE

March 19, 2008

ELCA Introduces 'Money Leadership' Curriculum for Congregations 08-031-JB

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- A new resource intended to engage people in conversation and self-assessment about their feelings, knowledge, experiences and practices related to money is being introduced this month to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Produced by the ELCA, "Money Leadership for Thriving Congregations" is a biblically based stewardship education resource.

"Conversations about money are out of the closet," said Ed Kruse, director for stewardship, ELCA Evangelical Outreach and Congregational Mission (EOCM). "People are really interested in hearing about money and finances, and money management."

"Money Leadership" addresses people's eagerness to learn about and discuss a variety of financial topics, Kruse said. Course participants discuss their money "autobiographies," plus giving, saving, spending, debt reduction, financial life planning, personal financial profiles, and developing personal action plans for themselves and action plans for their congregations.

The idea is to help course participants strengthen their personal and congregational stewardship, Kruse said.

Other similar courses, such as the ELCA's "10-10-80" (save 10 percent, give 10 percent and use the rest for living expenses) have been used to teach stewardship. From that course, participants learned "that everything belongs to God and that giving to God is a natural response of stewardship for people who are followers of Christ," Kruse said. "Money Leadership" also follows a similar teaching model used by the former Lutheran Laity Movement for Stewardship.

"Money is a struggle for all of us," said the Rev. William T. Tesch, associate to the bishop, ELCA South Dakota Synod, Sioux Falls. "I know there's a hunger around issues of financial stewardship." Tesch, who attended a workshop to learn about the resource, said "Money Leadership" will be a piece of a multi- faceted approach toward equipping clergy and lay leaders as the synod develops a stewardship strategy. The synod also plans to use the resource to help pastors in the early years of their ordained ministry, Tesch said.

The Rev. David B. Zellmer, bishop, ELCA South Dakota Synod, told the ELCA News Service he frequently gets questions about stewardship. "Part of what I like about it ("Money Leadership") is that it wasn't just about money or how I need to give; it's about how I live my life." Zellmer said "whole-life stewarding" is how congregations grow.

The resource is easy to use, approachable and interactive, said Tobi White, a third-year student at Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa, one of eight ELCA seminaries. White, an intern at Sheridan Lutheran Church, Lincoln, Neb., attended a pilot workshop where the resource was introduced.

"Having this information in hand and having discussions with other people broadened my understanding of stewardship," she said.

"Money Leadership" is intended for use by congregations in small-group settings, Kruse said. Group leaders for the resource can teach the program in six two-hour workshops or schedule an overnight retreat for participants, he said. The "Money Leadership" resource offers content specifically for professional church or "rostered" leaders, and for members. Available materials include a participant book, a leader guide and daily devotions. The resource was written by EOCM's stewardship team, and is available through Augsburg Fortress, the publishing ministry of the ELCA. Workshops are now available in all 65 synods to introduce the resource, Kruse said.

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans provided initial grant funds that led to development of "10-10-80" and "Money Leadership." Thrivent is a Minneapolis-based nonprofit financial services organization.


An audio story on "Money Leadership for Thriving Congregations" is at on the ELCA Web site.

Audio cuts featuring Ed Kruse are at:

Information about "Money Leadership for Thriving Congregations," including ordering information, is at on the ELCA Web site.

For information contact:

John Brooks, Director (773) 380-2958 or ELCA News Blog:

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