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ABCUSA: Together In Ministry Steering Committee Discusses Value Of American Baptists In Relational M

From "Jayne, Andy" <>
Date Thu, 27 Mar 2008 16:02:25 -0400

VALLEY FORGE, PA (ABNS 03/27/08) - The Ministers Council Together in Ministry Steering Committee met March 24-26, 2008, at the Canterbury Retreat Center in Oviedo, FL. Committee members reviewed the collegial covenant group project made possible by a Lilly Endowment Sustaining Pastoral Excellence grant from 2002-2007, and planned for the next phase made possible by an additional grant for 2008-2012.

A collegial covenant group is a body of six to eight colleagues who covenant to meet together on a regular basis for prayer and study. Together in Ministry (TIM) seeks, through these groups, to create a culture where disciplines, habits, ways, or practices enhance pastoral excellence by establishing the model of relational ministry and the norm of holy friendships rather than the rugged individualism often typical of busy pastoral leaders.

The value most frequently selected by participants since the inception of collegial covenant groups has been: "Gained a supportive network of colleagues who will pray for one another."

Other values cited include: support to improve preaching and teaching; general support for ministry; enhancing church leadership skills; improvements in personal health and reduction of stress; connection and networking with other pastors and congregations; spiritual and personal growth; mutual accountability; study to enhance ministries; and experiences which broadened their perspectives and opened them up to new ideas.

Group facilitators indicated a positive impact of Together in Ministry on the denomination. Values perceived from Together in Ministry for the American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) include: positive relating; improved communications; fostering healthier relationships; improving mutual respect; increasing faith; improved collegiality and fellowship; and increased sharing of thoughts and perspectives.

One facilitator summarized thoughts on the impact on ABCUSA as: "When clergy persons make the commitment to take care of themselves, it will benefit the denomination. There will be less stress; the clergy service provided to the church will be more effective. The denomination will be healthier physically and spiritually."

Applications are being received for 2009 covenant group grants. Groups may be comprised of pastoral leaders or may combine pastoral and lay leaders focused on faith practices. All information on group formation options may be found on the Ministers Council website: aspx. Application forms are also available online at:

Bulk copies of a Minister Magazine issue that presents TIM group stories and resources and a TIM DVD will be provided to Region and Ministers Council meetings to introduce the opportunity in greater detail. Call 1-800-ABC3USA, ext. 2334 to order. Names and locations of currently funded groups along with feedback and photos may be accessed at:

Dr. Kate Harvey, executive director of the Ministers Council and project director of Together in Ministry, states, "God has richly blessed the Ministers Council with the resources to invite pastoral and lay leaders into covenant groups with colleagues where their lives and ministries are immeasurably enriched through the power of relationships."

Andrew C. Jayne American Baptist Churches USA Mission Resource Development

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