Episcopal News Service March 29, 2008
Dallas elects Paul Lambert as bishop suffragan
By Matthew Davies
[Episcopal News Service] The Rev. Canon Paul Lambert was elected March 29 as bishop suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas.
Lambert, 57, canon to the ordinary in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, was elected on the sixth ballot out of a field of six nominees. He received 120 votes of 203 cast in the lay order and 71 of 124 cast in the clergy order. An election on that ballot required 102 in the lay order and 63 in the clergy order.
The election took place at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Dallas.
Under the canons the Episcopal Church (III.16.4 (a)) (http://www.churchpublishing.org/general_convention/pdf_const_2003/Title_ III _Ministry.pdf), a majority of bishops exercising jurisdiction and diocesan standing committees must consent to Lambert's election and ordination as bishop within 120 days of receiving the consent request.
Lambert has served parishes in the dioceses of Dallas and Western Kansas. He is a member of the board of trustees at the Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas. He has served as Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Dallas since 2002. Lambert is married to Sally Lynne and they have three daughters.
More information about Lambert is available here (http://saintlukesdenison.org/suffragan.booklet.2008.pdf).
Full story: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/79901_96091_ENG_HTM.htm