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[ELD] ERD's 'Gifts for Life' program is theme of November 30 bulletin inserts
"Matthew Davies" <>
Tue, 18 Nov 2008 05:52:16 -0500
>Episcopal Life Daily
>November 17, 2008
>Episcopal Life Online is available at
>Today's Episcopal Life Daily includes:
* TOP STORY - ERD's 'Gifts for Life' program is theme of November 30
bulletin inserts
* DIOCESAN DIGEST - LOS ANGELES: Fire recovery funds established; photos
posted of monastery site
* WORLD REPORT - CANADA: Council of General Synod approves deficit
* WORLD REPORT - CONGO: Archbishop calls for day of prayer for peace
* WORLD REPORT - ENGLAND: Roman Catholic, Anglican bishops gather for
second bi-lateral meeting
* PEOPLE - Five Episcopal Divinity School faculty members named to new
chair appointments
* PEOPLE - Jan Nunley leaves Church Center staff
* FEATURE - Nature's stewards: Environmental education is more than a
walk in the woods
* DAYBOOK - November 18, 2008: Today in Scripture, Prayer, History
* CATALYST - Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew
America's Promise
ERD's 'Gifts for Life' program is theme of November 30 bulletin inserts
[Episcopal Life Weekly] For Christmas this year, considering giving a
goat. Or a flock of chickens. Or medical care for infants, or education
for AIDS orphans, or a well to provide clean water for an entire
Episcopal Life Weekly bulletin inserts for November 30 highlight the
"Gifts for Life" program offered by Episcopal Relief and Development.
Church members and others can provide a wide variety of animals,
supplies and tools -- and the training needed to use them -- to people
in areas plagued by drought, war, famine or poverty. Donors can also opt
to donate money to train AIDS prevention workers, or for mosquito nets
to prevent malaria, or one of many other gifts.
Bulletin inserts are available at
More Top Stories:
LOS ANGELES: Fire recovery funds established; photos posted of monastery
>>From staff reports
[Diocese of Los Angeles] With more than 35,000 acres (approximately 55
square miles) burned in three fires since Nov. 13 - leaving at least 987
homes and structures destroyed, 38 firefighters and civilians injured,
and 26,000 ordered to evacuate in the Orange County area according to
news reports on Nov. 17 -- the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles has
initiated efforts to assist in recovery from the crisis.
Diocesan Bishop J. Jon Bruno has established two funds for fire relief.
A General Fire Recovery Fund will serve local clergy in assisting those
displaced and most severely affected by the fires, and a Montecito Fire
Recovery Fund will address specifically the loss of the Mount Calvary
Retreat House destroyed by the Santa Barbara-area Tea Fire.
Full story:
More Diocesan news:
CANADA: Council of General Synod approves deficit budget
CONGO: Archbishop calls for day of prayer for peace
ENGLAND: Roman Catholic, Anglican bishops gather for second bi-lateral
More World news:
Five Episcopal Divinity School faculty members named to new chair
[EDS] Episcopal Divinity School has named five faculty members to
endowed chair positions: Dr. Angela Bauer-Levesque, the Rev. Dr. William
Kondrath, the Rev. Dr. Richard McCall, the Rev. Canon Edward Rodman, and
Dr. Gale Yee.
The Rev. Dr. Sheryl Kujawa-Holbrook, academic dean at EDS, and Brett
Donham, chair of the Board of Trustees, announced the new appointments
on October 30 during a coffee hour celebration following the morning
Eucharist at St. John's Memorial Chapel.
"Faculty is the historical continuity of a theological school, as well
as its intellectual capital," said Kujawa-Holbrook. "Endowed chairs are
an opportunity for us to honor current faculty, as well as those who
have generously supported the school in the past. These latest chair
recipients were matched not only by academic field, but in a consistent
effort to recognize the historical succession of the Episcopal Divinity
School, Episcopal Theological School, and Philadelphia Divinity School
Full story:
>- - - - -
>Jan Nunley leaves Church Center staff
Episcopal News Service] The Rev. Jan Nunley has resigned her position as
executive editor for digital communications as of November 17, according
to John Colon, director of resource management for the Episcopal Church.
Nunley joined Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold's staff in August 2000,
serving as deputy director of news and information under former director
of news James Solheim and former director of communication Dan England.
She served as deputy for communication, executive editor of Episcopal
Life Media, and executive editor for digital communication under former
director of communication Robert Williams during the last two years of
Griswold's tenure and the first two years under Presiding Bishop
Katharine Jefferts Schori.
Nunley guided the Episcopal News Service's transition to a web-based
format, developed and co-hosted the General Convention Nightly News
broadcasts for the 2006 General Convention, launched the epiScope blog,
hosted the monthly "Focus" webcasts, served as a spokesperson for the
Episcopal Church to the news media, and won numerous awards for her
writing and photography in the process of covering news of the Episcopal
Full story:
More People:
>Nature's stewards
Environmental education is more than a walk in the woods
>By Phina Borgeson
[Episcopal Life] Episcopal youngsters have enjoyed summer camp for
generations, but over the last few decades more and more facilities have
opened their doors year 'round for environmental-education programs.
Such programs offered during the school year strengthen stewardship in
two ways. "We use our facility fully, all but about six to eight weeks a
year," noted Maggie Wade Johnston, director of the Environmental Center
at Camp McDowell in the Diocese of Alabama. "We are also making a
difference among the 6,000 schoolchildren in Alabama and Mississippi who
participate in our center's programs each year. Through increased
awareness here, they are learning to respect and protect nature."
That sentiment echoes not just in the deep sandstone canyons of northern
Alabama, but also at 11 Episcopal venues around the United States, from
the varied niches of Connecticut's ponds and woodlands and North
Carolina's barrier islands to Texas' piney woods and California's
valleys and mountains.
Full story:
More Features:
On November 18, 2008, the church calendar remembers Hilda, Abbess of
Whitby, 680.
* Today in Scripture:
* Today in Prayer: Anglican Cycle of Prayer:
* Today in History: On November 18, 1874, Arthur Tozer Russell, hymn
translator, died at Rectory of Southwick, near Brighton, England.
"Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's
Promise" from Random House, Inc., by Barack Obama, 288 pages, paperback,
c. 2008, $13.95
[Random House, Inc.] Change We Can Believe In outlines Barack Obama's
vision for America. In these pages you will find bold and specific ideas
about how to fix our ailing economy and strengthen the middle class,
make health care affordable for all, achieve energy independence, and
keep America safe in a dangerous world. Change We Can Believe In asks
you not just to believe in Barack Obama's ability to bring change to
Washington, it asks you to believe in yours.
To order: Episcopal Books and Resources, online at, or call 800-903-5544 -- or visit your
local Episcopal bookseller,
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