From the Worldwide Faith News archives
Newsline: On Earth Peace offers 'Community Change for Congregations'
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Mon, 2 Feb 2009 11:19:49 -0600
Newsline: Church of the Brethren News Service -- Feb. 2, 2009
Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, News Director
800-323-8039 ext. 260 --
(Feb. 2, 2009) Elgin, IL -- "You Can't Stop the River: Community Change for Congregations" is and event offered on April 2-5 in Kansas City, Kan., by On Earth Peace and hosted by First Central Church of the Brethren, in conju nction with the Kansas City Metropolitan Parish Council. The theme scriptur e comes from Rev. 22, "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of l ife...."
The event is billed for congregations concerned about community issues such as gun violence, domestic violence, racism, or loss of employment. The mee ting will offer help to build skills and confidence for community leadershi p, explore the history of community change initiatives and nonviolence stru ggles, and prepare plans for what happens next in the community.
Only three to seven congregations will be identified as participants, and e ach congregation will be invited to send a team of three people. On Earth P eace is making the event available for a $50 materials fee plus a participa nt offering. Housing and food will be provided by the host church, through space on the church's carpeted floor and home stays with church members. Fo r $40 per night participants can reserve a bed at a nearby Christian retrea t center. Participants are responsible for their own travel costs.
Congregations may apply by writing a one-page letter telling the congregati on's story, describing the team the congregation will send the event, and s haring why the congregation wants to take part. Each team is to ask its chu rch leadership for a letter of blessing, to show support from the congregat ion for the knowledge and skills the team will bring home from the training . The application deadline is Feb. 16.
For more information contact Matt Guynn at or call 503-775-1636.
The Church of the Brethren is a Christian denomination committed to continu ing the work of Jesus peacefully and simply, and to living out its faith in community. The denomination is based in the Anabaptist and Pietist faith t raditions and is one of the three Historic Peace Churches. It celebrated it s 300th anniversary in 2008. It counts more than 125,000 members across the United States and Puerto Rico, and has missions and sister churches in Nig eria, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and India.
># # #
>For more information contact:
>Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford
>Director of News Services
>Church of the Brethren
>1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120
>800-323-8039 ext. 260
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