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TCN Editorial: Nurturing pastors to become God’s holy priests
"Lydia Ma" <>
Fri, 6 Feb 2009 14:05:10 +0800
>Taiwan Church News
>2971 Edition
>February 2~8, 2009
Editorial: Nurturing pastors to become God’s holy priests
>From my experience serving churches, I’ve learned that a healthy pastor or deacon can tremendously bless a church, while an unhealthy one can hurt it or prevent it from growing. The second chapter of 1st Samuel offers stories and teachings on the roles and duties of priests worth examining and also outlines an important theological theme throughout the book. In this chapter, God essentially says, “Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.” (1st Samuel 2:30).
1st Samuel 2 details a conversation between God and the prophet Eli and God was clear about the consequences of treating appointed priesthood with contempt when He told Eli that He would discipline and curse Eli’s descendants. God said to Eli, “Why do you honor your sons more than me by fattening yourselves on the choice parts of every offering made by my people Israel?” God also pronounced a curse on Eli’s family, “There will not be an old man in your family line and all your descendants will die in the prime of life. Your two sons will die on the same day.”
God’s conversation with Eli is a warning all pastors should heed. Though God is kind and compassionate, He is also just and faithful, lest we abuse His abounding grace.
This passage should remind church leaders to be alert to possible blind spots in their lives. Leaders should never lose respect and fear of God. They should also avoid misguided lusts or ambitions. This passage uses the word “scorn” (NIV), but another meaning for this word in Greek is “lustful eyes and strong desires”.
Priests of God should maintain correct values and priorities at all times and this is best reflected through their actions and whether they are God-centered or self-centered. 1 Samuel 2:35 speaks about being a faithful priest. The meaning of the word “faithful” in Hebrew includes steadfast, confirmed, and loyal. In the same manner, we should make up our minds to be loyal and faithful Christians determined to build faithful and true churches.
God told Eli in 1 Samuel 2:28, “I chose your father out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to go up to my altar, to burn incense, and to wear an ephod in my presence.” An ephod is an apron-like garment or uniform worn by the high priest according to Jewish traditions. It is adorned with twelve precious gems representing the twelve tribes of Israel – God’s children. When the high priest wears an ephod, he is symbolically carrying all of God’s people (the Church) on his shoulders, and taking responsibility of uniting and training them.
Priestly garments are not worn to show off, but demand holy living from those who wear them. Ephods are akin to today’s pastoral attire and both should not be treated as mere uniforms, because only those who are called and faithful are worthy to wear them. Hence, I urge Christians and pastors to wear your own ephods while living out all the inner values Jesus displayed while hanging from a cross.
Churches today should re-examine what is the proper and required attitude for God’s chosen priests. Pastors should honor God’s calling by faithfully proclaiming the gospel and teaching their spiritual children to lead Christ-like lives. They should also honor and cherish the holy relationship they have with God by becoming genuine disciples, thus avoiding the fate of Eli’s sons in their own lives.
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