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[PCUSANEWS] Biographical information on ACSWP's HIV/AIDS work group released
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Fri, 27 Feb 2009 16:58:53 -0500
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Biographical information on ACSWP's HIV/AIDS work group
Group will prepare comprehensive study for 2010 General
>by Bethany Furkin
>Presbyterian News Service
LOUISVILLE - The Advisory Committee on Social Witness
Policy (ACSWP) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has
appointed eight people to participate in developing a new
report on HIV/AIDS.
The 218th General Assembly (2008) directed the Advisory
Committee on Social Witness Policy to develop and fund a
comprehensive study on HIV and AIDS for the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.).
The study is to recommend compassionate action and give
prophetic witness about the issues surrounding people
living with HIV and AIDS in the United States and around
the world. It will report to the 219th General Assembly
The biographical information on work group members:
Delfin W. Bautista: Bautista is a graduate student at Yale
Divinity School [] in New
Haven, CT. He has a Master of Social Work from the
University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor of Science in
social work from Florida International University
[]. He has served as a case worker with
ActionAIDS in Philadelphia, where he worked primarily
within the Latino community. Bautista is a member of the
Roman Catholic Church.
Rev. Andrew Black, moderator: Black is the associate
director of Religious Life and the associate chaplain at
Eckerd College [] in St. Petersburg, FL. He
is a graduate of the University of Louisville's Brandeis
School of Law, the Louisville Presbyterian Theological
Seminary [] and Eckerd College. Black organized
the Louisville HIV/AIDS campaign and has researched
HIV/AIDS justice concerns in South Africa.
Kezia Ellison: Ellison is a clinical research assistant at
the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. She earned a
Bachelor of Arts in human biology, human health and disease
from Brown University []. In high school,
Ellison developed Pittsburgh's Educating Teens about
HIV/AIDS project, which is now a 501 (c)(3) non-profit
organization in its ninth year.
Marco A. Grimaldo: Grimaldo is a policy and public affairs
consultant for Bread of the World, an ecumenical
organization urging policy makers to end hunger. He has
also served as policy consultant to the Global AIDS
Alliance [], the AIDS National
Interfaith Network and the 1998 Presidential Commission on
AIDS. Grimaldo served on the Presbyterian AIDS Network
[] for eight years. He is an
elder at Westminster Presbyterian Church
[] in Washington, D.C.
Rev. Ann L. Hayman: Hayman developed and previously
directed the Mary Magdalene Project [], a
long-term residential program in Reseda, CA, that helps
prostitutes change their lives. She has been active in
HIV/AIDS ministries since the 1980s and has served on
committees at every level of the Presbyterian Church
Dr. James A. Lemons: Lemons is a professor of pediatrics at
the Indiana University School of Medicine
[]. He is also the director of the
section of neonatal-perinatal medicine, the largest of its
kind in the country. For more than 14 years, Lemons has
been involved with the HIV/AIDS treatment program in
Eldoret, Kenya. That program is a joint project of the IU
School of Medicine and the Moi University School of
Medicine in Eldoret. It was recently nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize.
Rev. Clive Neil: Neil is the pastor of Bedford Central
Presbyterian Church
in Brooklyn, NY. He is an advocate for AIDS causes in New York
City and serves with the Balm in Gilead's Brooklyn AIDS Task Force.
Neil has developed an AIDS ministry program in his congregation.
Marsha Fowler: Fowler is the ACSWP liaison assigned to this
group. She is a professor of ethics, spirituality and faith
integration at Azusa Pacific University [] in
Azusa, CA. She is also senior fellow at the Institute of
Faith Integration there. Fowler has expertise in Christian
ethics, bioethics and health care and has published journal
articles and presented professional papers in these areas.
Cheryl B. Anderson, consultant: Anderson is an associate
professor of Old Testament at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary
[] in Evanston, IL. In 2008, she completed a
seven-month sabbatical at the University of KwaZulu-Natal
in South Africa, where she researched the church's response
to HIV/AIDS. She has presented papers on HIV/AIDS in the
United States and overseas. Anderson is also an ordained
minister and lawyer.
The group will be staffed by the Rev. Belinda M. Curry,
ACSWP [] Associate for Policy
Development and Interpretation, based in Louisville, KY.
For more information about this project, please contact
Belinda M. Curry [] or
(800) 728-7228, x5813.
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