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[PCUSANEWS] Missing Pennsylvania elder found safe
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Wed, 4 Mar 2009 15:34:27 -0500
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This story available online:<
>Missing Pennsylvania elder found safe
>Tom Reiber on way back home from Texas
>by Jerry L. Van Marter
>Presbyterian News Service
LOUISVILLE ― Tom Reiber, a Presbyterian elder in
Zelionople, PA, who disappeared under mysterious
circumstances on Monday, has been found safe in Texas.
"He was found alone in Texas and someone has gone down
there to drive him back," Beaver-Butler Presbytery
executive Alan Adams told the Presbyterian News Service
today (March 4).
Reiber vanished after calling his wife on his way to work
to say he was ill and was returning home. Soon after he was
captured on a video surveillance camera purchasing cough
medicine at a local pharmacy but then didn't show up at
A credit card in Reiber's name was used later in the day in
Bowling Green, KY, Kingston Spring, TN, and North Little
Rock, AR.
"He's safe and on his way back home," Adams said. "That's
all we care about right now."
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