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[PCUSANEWS] A place where peace truly abides
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Wed, 4 Mar 2009 15:33:11 -0500
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This story available online:<
>A place where peace truly abides
A monthly column for the church by the General Assembly
stated clerk
>by the Rev. Gradye Parsons
>PC(USA) General Assembly stated clerk
>LOUISVILLE ― I traveled recently to
>Israel/Palestine/Jerusalem on your behalf.
Victor Makari (coordinator for Middle East, Asia Minor, and
Jinishian Memorial Program), Randy Ackley (coordinator,
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance), Joel Hanisek
(Presbyterian United Nations representative), and I were
there to show our pastoral support for the Palestinian and
Jewish people who had been impacted by the Gaza violence.
This was my first trip to the Middle East, and it left me
with many impressions.
For example, seeing the actual geography of places like
Bethany, the Mount of Olives, and the road on which Jesus
rode a donkey on Palm Sunday had me wondering at a new
level what it was like to be in Jerusalem in those early
Perhaps the greatest impression is that the struggle of
those in that region reminds me so much of our struggle to
live together in this country. We are still learning that
people have basic common needs, regardless of race or creed.
People need a secure home ― one in which you can put your
child to bed at night without fear of some violence from
the sky. They need the ability to earn a living ― not very
possible if you cannot get to work safely. And people need
a sense of future for their family, which is left in
question when your children leave your country to find a
better life.
The season of Lent provides us with a time of prayer and
introspection as we prepare ourselves for Easter morning.
This year, I want to invite you to add a regimen of daily
prayer for the people of Jerusalem, Israel, and Palestine.
They are all people who are trying to live their daily
lives in the midst of a huge relational struggle. It is a
struggle that inflicts a thousand little hurts into hearts
and minds on an all-too-regular basis.
Perhaps first, though, we need to pray that we will
continue to learn our own lessons about living together in
a common land. Then, let us pray that we will find a way to
share what we have learned, so that the geography of the
Holy Land will be a place where the peace that passes all
understanding truly abides.
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