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Anglican Women's World Day of Prayer 6 March
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Thu, 05 Mar 2009 08:59:05 -0800
Women's World Day of Prayer
Posted On : March 3, 2009 10:41 AM | Posted By : Webmaster
Related Categories: England Papua New Guinea
'In Christ There Are Many Members Yet One Body'
On Friday 6 March over 3 million people worldwide will be praying and
worshipping together during an annual day of prayer, using a service
prepared by Christian Women in Papua New Guinea.
Papua New Guinea is a land of many ethnic groups and over 800 distinct
languages of which more than half are unrelated. As a result, there is
great cultural diversity, yet the women of Papua New Guinea have
emphasised the oneness there is in Christ.
In spite of gender inequality, women in Papua New Guinea are beginning
to take their place in professions previously closed to them. There are
now women who are pilots, engineers, doctors, lawyers, judges, lecturers
and also officers in the military forces. In this way, they make a very
positive contribution to their nation. Further information and resources
can be found on the Women's World Day of Prayer website at
The symbol chosen for this year's Women's World Day of Prayer comprises
the Cross and a bilum. Bilums are hand-woven string bags, which are
widely used among Papua New Guinean societies. They are very strong and
used to carry everything from food to a baby (who can see out through
the holes in the bag!). Sometimes a bilum is suspended on the branch of
a tree and becomes a cradle for a sleeping baby. Men also use bilums to
carry heavy loads. Where cultures are so diverse, this simple string bag
is common to many. By placing the bilum on the cross in this symbol, the
women of PNG seek a unity where they are not merely held together as
though they were gathered into a string bag. They seek a vibrant unity
where love is genuine, and where the many, many communities of Papua New
Guinea are of one heart and soul.
"In Papua New Guinea we are many and we are diverse. Our 800
languages represent as many cultures and traditions. Our rugged
landscape can isolate us from one another but the love of God empowers
us to embrace one another and to embrace you, our brothers and
sisters around the world."
Loving and merciful God, God of oneness and unity, though we
have different cultures, languages, colours and traditions, we
are one in your Spirit. Thank you for opening our inner hearts to see
the Lord Jesus Christ as the one who has united us. Though we are
many members, in Christ we are one body.
Let us go forth, empowered to make a difference so that people
around the world will see and feel the oneness of Christ in this
broken world, and be compelled to draw closer to God. May the source of
oneness and unity bind us together with his endless love, through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(from the WWDP order of service written by Christian women from
Papua New Guinea)
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