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Newsline: Children's Disaster Services offers workshop in Ft Wayne, Indiana
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Thu, 5 Mar 2009 11:36:47 -0600
Newsline: Church of the Brethren News Service -- March 5, 2009
Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, News Director
800-323-8039 ext. 260 --
(March 5, 2009) Elgin, IL -- Children's Disaster Services is offering a Lev el I Workshop as a training event for volunteers, in Fort Wayne, Ind., on A pril 3-4. The event will take place at Beacon Heights Church of the Brethre n (2810 Beacon St., Fort Wayne; 260-482-8595).
Children's Disaster Services is a ministry of the Church of the Brethren, w orking since 1980 in cooperation with the American Red Cross and FEMA to of fer services for children and their families following disasters. The progr am trains volunteers to provide a calm, safe, and reassuring present in the midst of the chaos that follows disasters by setting up and operating spec ial child care centers in disaster locations. Parents are then able to appl y for assistance and begin to put their lives back together, knowing their children are safe.
The workshop will train new volunteers to take part in the ministry. The wo rkshop begins at 5 p.m. on Friday, April 3, and continues through 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 4. A $45 registration fee covers materials, meals, and overnight accommodations. Late registration (after March 27) is $55.
Information learned at this workshop can be beneficial to anyone working wi th children. Designed for people who have a heart and passion for children, the workshop will train participants to understand and respond to children who have experienced a disaster, helping them recognize and understand the fears and other emotions children experience during and following a disast er and how child-led play and various art mediums can start the healing pro cess. During the weekend, participants will sleep on cots and eat simple me als to experience a simulated shelter with similar living conditions to tho se typically provided for survivors of disasters.
Once the training is completed, participants have the opportunity to become certified Children's Disaster Services volunteers by providing two persona l references and a criminal and sexual offender background check. Although many volunteers are motivated by faith, Children's Disaster Services worksh ops are open to anyone over 18 years of age.
In 2008, more than 140 Children's Disaster Services volunteers spent a tota l of 11,124 hours caring for almost 3,000 children after several national d isasters, including flooding and ice storms in the Midwest, Hurricanes Gust av and Ike in the Gulf states, the Metrolink train accident in southern Cal ifornia, and the California wildfires.
Those interested in attending the workshop may contact local coordinator Do nna Belknap at 260-483-7244. For more information about Children's Disaster Services go to or contact the office at or 800-451-4407, ext. 5.
The Church of the Brethren is a Christian denomination committed to continu ing the work of Jesus peacefully and simply, and to living out its faith in community. It is based in the Anabaptist and Pietist faith traditions and is one of the three Historic Peace Churches. It celebrated its 300th annive rsary in 2008. It counts about 130,000 members across the US and Puerto Ric o, and has missions and sister churches in Nigeria, the DR, Brazil, Haiti, and India.
># # #
>For more information contact:
>Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford
>Director of News Services
>Church of the Brethren
>1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120
>800-323-8039 ext. 260
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