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Taiwan Church News Editorial: Remembering women as spiritual role models
"Lydia Ma" <>
Fri, 6 Mar 2009 15:49:29 +0800
>Taiwan Church News
>2975 Edition
>March 2~8, 2009
Editorial: Remembering women as spiritual role models
Whenever we think of faith heroes in the Bible, we tend to remember characters such as Abraham, Moses, David, and Paul, while admirable characters who also took giant leaps of faith, such as Miriam, Esther, Ruth, Mary (mother of Jesus), and Mary Magdalene, seldom come to mind. Similarly, when the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan reflects on its history and remembers its own faith heroes, we think of McKay and Barclay most of the time, forgetting heroes such as Eliza C. Cooke and Lillian R. Dickson.
It’s an enigma that we often hold up male role models while ignoring faith heroines who are just as outstanding, admirable, and worthy of our attention. Many women also have praiseworthy faith, Christian service, and learning spirits and their commitment to God and willingness to serve at church are traits we should emulate. These women serve at church wholeheartedly without asking for any title or position in return. We often see them distributing church bulletins, teaching Sunday Schools, playing the piano, participating in the choir, visiting those in need, and even participating in committees as deaconesses that oversee church ministries.
Jesus said in Luke 22:26-27, “The greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.” One could say that many women have taken Jesus’ teaching to heart and lived it out in their lives by taking care of those in need and extending a helping hand. These women are like servants – faithfully serving God and people, and doing everything Jesus said a leader should do.
Women are also actively advancing in their knowledge of the Bible and other faith-related issues. Most presbyteries hold annual spiritual retreats and camping activities organized by their women ministries and PCT General Assembly Women’s Ministry Committee also holds spiritual retreats and training seminars. Whenever these events are announced, many women make time to attend and some even take time off from work to attend spiritual formation seminars. Many seminaries also report that whenever new classes designed for laypeople are offered, women are among the firsts to sign up. Hence, the spiritual maturity and intellectual maturity of women have steadily increased as women reflect on what they’ve learned and also seize every opportunity to learn more.
It is unfortunate that we seldom hold up women as spiritual role models even though they are such shining examples of the Christian faith. Perhaps we have grown used to emphasizing male spiritual role models. This is especially evident during sermons when examples of revered pastors or Christians are mostly male. Could it be that we tend to think of men as spiritually mature and women as spiritually weak? Could it be that we still feel women’s faith offer little from which we can learn from?
Just before Jesus’ death, a woman went to see him, bringing along an expensive jar of perfume. She broke the jar before Him and anointed His head with the perfume. Jesus accepted her anointing and foretold whenever the gospel was preached, this woman’s deed would be remembered. From this story we can see that women’s faith, service, and learning spirits are qualities we can model. Let us not only remember male faith heroes, but also honor and emulate women who have shown great faith.
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